Two Hours A Day of Cardio?



  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I would start from scratch.

    1. get a complete physical with blood work and body fat testing.. Ffind out exactly where you are and if there are any medical issues.

    2. eduxate yourself on nutrition and exercise (sorry but asking us MFP folks doesnt count, we cant agree on diet coke for crying out loud)

    3. when you realize that 2 hours of cardio is not needed and that eating enough good food is a good thing, then you are getting somewhere.

    4. be diligent (log everything) and persistent (everyday) and remember to have some fun along the way. A positive attitude is 99% of this deal.
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Our bodys get used to what we do so change your foods cals and exercise every 6 weeks

    They also say 30 mins twice a day is better than 60 minutes?

    Tbh you can only do any exercise that can fit into your life for a long period also something you love it's not worth killing yourself mentally getting in 2 hours a day you'll get injuries
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Why yes, it IS time for my weekly self loathing I mean weigh in. Why do you ask?

    Anyone else out there not losing weight or inches on an hour of cardio a day with calorie deficits? When I say I'm working my *kitten* off here, people, I mean it. If only it were TRUE and my *kitten* were COMING OFF.

    I heard someone mention that contestants on the big loser show do two hours of cardio a day. Maybe I should kick it up a notch? Run an hour, then come home and do an hour of aerobics, then some pushups/crunches/squats?

    I'm so utterly exhausted when I come home from running, I would probably have to wait an hour in between workouts.

    I need to hear from people whose bodies just...don't budge on an hour of cardio. Then at least I will know what to do here instead of just beating my head against the wall (would that count as ab work?) wondering what is wrong with me.

    Edited to add: I'm obese here, so it's not a case of being near an ideal weight. Two weeks of hard work and no joy.

    It will work providing you are at a calorie deficiit, how are you measuring the calorie burns?
  • terryrh
    terryrh Posts: 25 Member
    I've lost 18 pounds in 5 weeks doing an hour to an hour and a half of cardio a day, i've since added in some weight lifting but not huge weights or reps mostly for toning and just to get a sweat going, my weight loss has been mostly evenly spread over the 5 weeks (with a 2 week 1lb p/w drop in weight loss when i started lifting actually)

    I'd say its defo possible but everybody is different, depends how much you have to lose i imagine and how intensive your cardio is,

    My cardio started out as walking, then cycling unfortunately a bum knee makes running a bit of a risk for me

    Im sure more knowledgeable people will post advice (or have already) but this is what worked for me.

    I drink water like crazy, whenever i can

    before doing my cardio i drink a small black coffee

    I increase distance and/or pace as soon as i get close to comfortable with my existing distance/pace

    I split my cardio into 2 even chunks (right now bookending my lifting at the gym) 5 days a week and one day i do a long walk (between 1 -2 hours round trip, no lifting that day)

    I end the day with a cup of green tea (after my evening meal/before bed)
  • huwgeorgebristow
    huwgeorgebristow Posts: 4 Member
    you really shouldn't be doing hours and hours of cardio there just aint no need read on here for more information.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    IMO cardio is over rated..

    I have been lifting pretty heavy - compound lifts - four times a week and have seen great results. Weight down, body fat down, etc...

    My running consists of one HIIT session a week and sometimes on Sunday I jog to my gym for a light work out and job back, about 1.5 miles total.

    About a year and a half ago I probably ran three miles two to three times a week and was lifting; saw much better results when I went to more lifting and less running..

    if you are killing yourself with cardio and hate it, then why keep doing it?

    Maybe you should adjust your routine to more lifting and less cardio..
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I totally agree with the other posters about less cardio and more lifting. Also, weight loss is calories in < calories out. If you run two hours as opposed to one hour, your deficit will probably be greater and you will lose weight. But why do two hours of something you're not particularly fond of? If you want to run, spend the second hour do something completely different like weight training.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Anyone else out there not losing weight or inches on an hour of cardio a day with calorie deficits? When I say I'm working my *kitten* off here, people, I mean it. If only it were TRUE and my *kitten* were COMING OFF.

    If you want to add strength training that's a good idea, but it's not why you are not losing. Whether you do cardio or strength training or no exercise at all, if you are in a deficit you should lose weight.

    Either you are not truly eating a deficit, or you should see a doctor to see if you have a medical condition that makes losing difficult, such as hypothyroidism.
  • Wear a heart rate monitor. Why do all that work if you are doing it at an ineffective pace.
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    I would add in some strength training. As another poster suggested you are already doing an hour of cardio and eating healthy but you're missing the strength part. I think it will shake things up and you'll start to lose.

    As a runner for me, I remember having the hardest time losing and was at a plateau for the longest time. I was running a lot though, training for my first half marathon. After incorporating a couple days of strength training to start I busted through that plateau. I've been on a roll ever since.
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    The way MFP is setup, adding more cardio won't be beneficial to your weightloss. Actually, since you'll be eating back your exercise calories, it could actually be detrimental if you happen to overestimate your calories burned.

    Personally, cardio (along with dietary changes) worked for me, but I didn't eat back my calories (since I lost virtually all of my weight before I joined MFP, and hadn't been exposed to this concept). I don't recommend this approach, however.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    This thread is over 15 mths old FYI.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Why yes, it IS time for my weekly self loathing I mean weigh in. Why do you ask?

    Anyone else out there not losing weight or inches on an hour of cardio a day with calorie deficits? When I say I'm working my *kitten* off here, people, I mean it. If only it were TRUE and my *kitten* were COMING OFF.

    I heard someone mention that contestants on the big loser show do two hours of cardio a day. Maybe I should kick it up a notch? Run an hour, then come home and do an hour of aerobics, then some pushups/crunches/squats?

    I'm so utterly exhausted when I come home from running, I would probably have to wait an hour in between workouts.

    I need to hear from people whose bodies just...don't budge on an hour of cardio. Then at least I will know what to do here instead of just beating my head against the wall (would that count as ab work?) wondering what is wrong with me.

    Edited to add: I'm obese here, so it's not a case of being near an ideal weight. Two weeks of hard work and no joy.

    Focus of your diet for weight loss.
    Focus on exercise for fitness.