Can a Plateau literally last forever?



  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I think it's possible to be eating at maintenance and not think you are because you've underestimated your intake and overestimated your output. And it might not be your fault. You might not have the statistical average BMR, your HRM might tell you you're burning 1000 calories an hour when you're really burning 500, your food database might be telling you that restaurant salad you have for lunch every day is 500 calories when it's 900. It's pretty easy to think you're burning 2000 and eating 1500 when you're burning 1800 and eating 1800.

    ^^^^^^^This. Probably 95% of plateaus are right here.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member

    Try eating just lean meats, low fat dairy, nuts, whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies.
    If man makes it, don't eat it.
    And eat to goal every day as close as you can.
    Try that for a few weeks, and just see what happens.
    Good Luck :flowerforyou:

    I have to agree with this^
    When nothing is moving one has to go over with a fine tooth comb what thay have been eating to see how they can do more. Processed foods can cause havock with fat and the sodium they contain. I stayed clear of milk was totally fat free.skim ...i watched my fats, watched my sodium, watched what carbs I ate...chose WISELY ..... everything plays a part in weight loss.
  • galilanee26
    galilanee26 Posts: 39 Member
    ... IDK. I follow someones advice and it's wrong then another person tells me no that's wrong.

    I've lost 45 lbs total (25 lbs before coming to MFP and another 20 since joining at the end of April). In between those losses, I spent a great deal of time in "unintentional maintenance mode" because of inconsistent food choices... too litte fiber, not enough water, and having snacky treats too often.

    Loads of great advice in this thread and that can be a little overwhelming. Just try incorporating a few sensible suggestions at a time until you find a combo that jump starts your weight loss. You can't go wrong by subbing in fresh produce and lean proteins.
  • editress
    editress Posts: 25 Member
    I have just started back on MFP and saw your post. I have been there with a plateu in the past and have had to shack things up.

    Looking at your diary you are eating a lot of process food and you might be underestimating your calorie. For example I saw you had 1 c sweet and sour chicken with out suace as 146 I know it has it in the food bank but there is no confirmed by other people saying it is correct so I woud l tend not to use it. Just becasue it is in on MFP does not mean it is right. 5 pieces with sauce is 346 cal and the sauce is not the problem the chicken is fried and you had a chinese egg roll as 113 when I look it up it is closer to 170. By the way I only trust a nutrition info on a food that has at least 2 confirmations. I would also add sodium to you nutrition just to see how much your intake is each day. Processed foods has a lot of sodium and you can retain alot of water. I can gain 5 pounds of water in one day just with too much sodium. Also how much water do you drink. I find that if I drink at least 64oz a day I have a better time losing weight. I never believed it till I started drinking that much and now I sometmies have a gallon a day depending on how much I work out.

    I also agree with other people, more whole clean foods, grains, especially veggies. Can you try and cook for a week nothing processed and measure everything, drink 64 oz of water a day and just see what happens. Just one week, You might be suprised.

    Good luck I know your frustration but don't give up!