
Nearing the end of week one and really glad I found the MFP website and community for support!

But what does bump mean? Like fistbump?? LOL

I see it as posts all over the place and want in on the secret :laugh: :blushing:


  • ReinaLorenz
    ReinaLorenz Posts: 88 Member
    I am new here too...but from what I have put together people bump things that they want to reference again. I believe if you bump something then you can find it in My Topics
  • WhiskeyCity
    WhiskeyCity Posts: 711 Member
    Welcome to MFP. Lots of great people on here.

    Bump - It's what you "post" when you want to move the current string to the top of the message board. By posting something, the string now becomes recently updated. You "bump" it up to the top. Most folks just type "bump" if they don't have anything to add. Does that make sense?
  • justgin1
    justgin1 Posts: 31 Member
    It "bumps" the post to a current status. If no one has posted in awhile, a post can get buried. Bumping it brings it to the top of the list on some boards, or to the recent posts section
  • Catie_v2
    Catie_v2 Posts: 67
    LMAO - yes it makes perfect sense!!! And I have posted comments just to move the thread to the top of the list - now I know I can just say bump! THANK YOU :D
  • LOL! I love the emotions at the end....I have no clue ...what does that mean ...anyone?