Does this work 5 day work out look reasonable for a noob?

Firstly, sorry for the block of text. The first paragraph is about why my exercise times are split, so if you are reading only to see my work out, just scroll down to that =). Second, I am pretty much a gym noob and as such, sometimes find myself slightly intimidated by new moves or equipment.

For the last few weeks I have been happily splitting my work-out across 5 days as I currently cycle ~6 miles (9.65 km) into/from work in the morning at around 5:30, then go to the gym for a fairly restricted time, shower then start work for 7. My main reason for going to the gym this early is that as I am cycling in, I am obviously doing exercise, getting sweaty and require a shower when I get there so adding gym time in is merely a matter of course, also as my gym is at work, it is fairly small and gets very busy in the afternoon/evenings.

I made the following work out based on trying to use one vague muscle group each day - with other parts thrown in. As I said above, I am cycling to work (6 miles there and back).


Morning: Cable pull 3X6-8, V-bar push down 3X6-8, Lying triceps extension 3X6-8.
Afternoon: Deadlifts 3x5 Hammer curls 3X6-8, Zottman curls 3X6-8.


Morning: Pull down bar – wide grip 3X6-8, Chin-ups 3x5, Side dumbbell raise 3X6-8, Upright dumbbell row 3X6-8.
Afternoon: Bent over barbell row 3X6-8, Military press 3X6-8.


Morning: Bench press 3X6-8, Dips 3X6-8, Press-ups 3x10.
Afternoon: Rest.


Morning: Abs circuit –(Side bridge - 15 secs, Plank with arm lifts - 8, Alternating single leg lowering - 10, Glute bridge march - 8, side plank with reach-under - 8 each side) x3, Crunches 3x10.
Afternoon: Rest.


Morning: Lunges 3X8, Squats 3X6-8, Calf raises - 3X6-8, Leg press 3X6-8.
Afternoon: Rest.

Note: Although I will happily take criticism on what I have written, I'm not trying to get an amazingly professional/complex routine going, I just want something that's fairly straight forward and doable in the time that I have. I will of course - over time, add more exercises and increase the resistance.

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated =)
