
I was wondering if someone can check my diary and tell me how Im doing for the past 2-3 weeks... Im kinda worried because after working out and eating under for the most part, I only lost 1 lb in 2 weeks :/ Thanks!


  • darjeelingexpress
    darjeelingexpress Posts: 22 Member
    Yep, you are doing well calorie wise and exercising a lot - good job!

    I'm wondering how your hunger levels are? Because you eat a lot of processed food, which for me and my body, leaves me hungry for nutrients. When that happens, I can't lose weight. (It usually makes me hungry quite a bit, even at or above my calorie goals). I hope that doesn't sound judgy, I don't mean it that way. But if your calories are *on* then something about composition of calories is *off* if you aren't losing.

    You are eating breakfast, which is awesome - can you try some better protein to get you started in the morning?

    I hope something there is helpful, and others will have good pointers for you too. Sometimes it just takes our bodies a minute to realize things have changed and starting changing shape and weight.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    The thing that I noticed that may or may not be important (I don't know the answer as I don't know your height/weight etc) is that your calorie levels are much higher than mine. I've only lost 10 pounds in 90 days and am on 1200 cals per day whereas you seem to have a few hundred more.

    I also wondered if your curries are homemade? If not then maybe it's down to processed and white foods as you seem to eat quite a lot of these? Maybe try more brown/wholegrain products and a few more veggies/fruits ?

    Sorry, this all sounds really judgemental and I don't want it to, if I had all the answers I would be continuously losing myself!

    Good luck x
  • Le_Joy
    Le_Joy Posts: 549 Member
    I noticed a lot of simple carbs (white rice & bread) and you go over on sodium, possibly due to the pre-made foods. How much water do you drink? You don't track it.
  • GetFitE
    GetFitE Posts: 247 Member
    I only was able to look at a few days, but you do seem to have a lot of processed foods. I agree with another poster--try making some switches to healthier choices--like brown/whole grain rice and breads vs white rice and potato bread--both of those are bad starch/carbs and can result in weight gain, and maybe a cereal with a little more protein like Kashi Go Lean. You can also get Orville Redenbacher Popsmart Popcorn which has less fat and not as much butter. That might aid in losing some weight.

    And also some more fruit and veggies into your diet would help.
  • knwitall
    knwitall Posts: 420 Member
    Are you drinking any water at all? Drinking water is also good to help flush fat.
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    Looks like you've really stuck with your diet and exercise plan. That is so awesome.

    What activity level did you choose for your BMR calculation? If you overestimated your activity level, it can give you a higher BMR than you actually have; this can also happen even for an accurate estimate of activity, if you just have a slower metabolism. If you adjust your activity level down, it will give you a lower net calorie goal which will give a more aggressive approach to losing it.

    Of course 1 lb. lost in 2 weeks is just fine if you're okay with it; you'll still get to your goal, and there's nothing wrong with doing it slow -- better to go slow and stay on track than to go at it too aggressively and end up with a meal plan you can't sustain because you're starving all the time.

    I do agree with the above posters that you may be able to feel a lot more full and satisfied on fewer calories if you'd add more items like steamed or raw or lightly sauteed vegetables, nuts, eggs, high quality meats, and fruits.