sexist and rude remarks



  • isadoraworkman
    isadoraworkman Posts: 205 Member
    Ok...I feel like I tempted the gods by writing on this post yesterday...because today, on my long run, someone commented on my breasts and was terribly lewd in addition to that (and I don't find that flattering...maybe some people do, but I most definitely do not).
    I yelled something at him, something I've never said to another human being ever in my life...and I was immediately terrified that they would chase me and my (equally busty) friend. It was a completely automatic reaction, but I reflected once more on why young women stop being active in their pre-teen/teen years... I don't find people yelling things at me about my body flattering..and it frightens me.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Ok...I feel like I tempted the gods by writing on this post yesterday...because today, on my long run, someone commented on my breasts and was terribly lewd in addition to that (and I don't find that flattering...maybe some people do, but I most definitely do not).
    I yelled something at him, something I've never said to another human being ever in my life...and I was immediately terrified that they would chase me and my (equally busty) friend. It was a completely automatic reaction, but I reflected once more on why young women stop being active in their pre-teen/teen years... I don't find people yelling things at me about my body flattering..and it frightens me.

  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member


    I have felt like that before!!! too funny pic :laugh:
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    A long time ago I was bicycling on a country road just outside of town. A car of teenage boys zipped by and one of them threw a paper cup full of soda at me, hitting me in the leg. That really freaked me out and in conjunction with exercise induced asthma I quit bicycling. Even now I'd be leery of biking in that area--even though I don't live there anymore! These days I'm taking long walks alone nearby and I'm always on the lookout for some creep/jerk, but I refuse to stay inside all the time.

    That makes me so sad at man kind. Too many people don't care about anyone but themselves. Have you tried regular yoga therapy? It really teaches you how to find the calmness in the storm. One hugely critical component to good health is an enhanced ability to alleviate/manage stress. I would imagine that would especially be beneficial to a person with asthma.
    Yes actually I did bikram for several years--I know people say it is not meditative but it really is. Last year or two I've returned to swimming--what's more meditative than counting breaths and laps while watching the sun on the bottom of the pool? It's very stress relieving and easy on the asthma. AND, I'm so excited, tomorrow is my second appt with my new personal trainer who will get my b*tt in shape with strength trainaing!
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    What I do is I bring my MP3 player, crank the tunes and shut the world out. Wear sunglasses and pretend you can't see anyone. This won't help with the french fry situation; maybe run on a high school track after school hours. Don't give up!

    I agree, i do the same thing (music and sunglasses)...keep it up!
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