Nutritionist, Dietician, Supplements?

Do any of you see a Nutritionist or Dietician and if so, how has it helped you in your weight loss? For what reasons would you suggest someone see one?
Is anyone taking a supplement that has been effective in aiding your weight loss? If so, are you concerned about gaining the weight back when you stop taking it? Are you concerned about health issues? Did your doctor recommend and/or approve it?


  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Where I work in healthcare, I can share with you the common instances of why a patient would be referred....

    Patient is
    ~not controlling their sugars very well through their intake
    ~taking medications for thyroid issues whether hyper or hypo
    ~diabetic patients
    ~post bariatric-related surgery
    ~eating disorders - but they work in conjunction with behavioral health specialists and the PCP to coordinate care
    ~hormonal-related issue of an Endocrinological type
    ~First time parents whose children require dietary education to lose weight
    ~Weight gain or Weight loss issues
    ~new immigrants who come to our country *(we have a collaboration w/healthcare providers and the health department with this)
    ~dietary restrictions due to health, medications, or both
    ~prior to having surgery

    Supplements are generally something a physician would coordinate because he/she has been routinely advising you of your health care. Generally Registered Dieticians would discuss things like this with the patient's physician because, again, the physician is the one who coordinates care.

    Should a patient want to take supplements, the ideal is for the RD or Nutritionist to advise you that "you should talk with your doctor before taking anything over the counter"....
  • abetterjune
    abetterjune Posts: 219
    If you lack confidence or knowledge on how to make healthy choices, or you just want more help making different choices, I think it could benefit you.

    When I was younger (12ish) my dad saw a nutritionist a few times (he was obese at the time) and after a couple of background appointments, she came to our home and helped him go through the kitchen, and learn to cook meals using different (healthier) options. She also did a grocery shopping trip with him once. He found it all very helpful though I'm unsure if that's the norm...

    I see a dietician currently, to help me work through some of my personal issues with food and diet and exercise. I think it helps, a bit.

    As for supplement, I go on an off quite a few of them though most are natural, herbal supplements that mainly aid in digestion. I don't have a fear of gaining when I go off them because they are mainly to help my digestive system heal, and when it's healed and I go off of them, it wouldn't make sense to gain, I guess. Haha

    Hope this is helpful