Tackling emotional eating

Me and my boyfriend have been together 3 years and we've been having quit a few rows over the past few weeks. The thing is, though I have been a lot stronger since dropping 45lbs I STILL seek out food when times are really bad. It's not every time like it use to be, I would say 2 out of 5 times I turn to food later on in the evening, I'm not even sure why. I just end up feeling so guilty since I have broken a streak of eating so healthily.

Does anyone have any advice on what to do when feeling really emotional, othe than food?


  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    develop another outlet for yourself - here are some things that work for me (depending on what kind of emotional I am)

    - reading (it's an escape...sometimes it's a book, others old journal entries)
    -listening to music (ron pope, corey smith, jack johnson, etc...)
    -walking (someplace new, a different route - makes my mind wander to other things)
    -crafting (I love to scrapbook...nerdy, but true..)
    -calling my mommy
    -going outside and yelling at the top of my lungs (this worked waaayyyy better before I moved into a bigger town)
    -working out
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    I really think the screaming on would work best but there is nowhere around me to do it.. I have never thought about using a scrapbook before though, I think that could work very well for me =) Thank you very much for the tips.
  • poppyloganriley
    poppyloganriley Posts: 44 Member
    I listen to music, write, or call my mommy. :) Even being a mommy of my own 3 kids, my own mom is still my best outlet. Another thing I do is distract myself by immersing myself in a game or project with my kiddos. If you don't have any of those ( I didn't check), then I would suggest going shopping (even just window shopping-but somewhere away from food) or to a library or park.
  • misty0413
    misty0413 Posts: 212
    Give yourself a manicure to keep your hands busy.
  • lynnnnick
    lynnnnick Posts: 1
    Hey , ususally i find that cravings happen when I'm emotional too, I have also found that using EFT helps, it works by stimulating accupressure points ad can clear a craving quite quickly, I first found out about it from the work of Paul McKenna but there are loads of demos on you tube here's one to get you started. Hope it works for you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9kJN6ZVBco&feature=related
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    I'm trying to work on that too. What helped me a lot was counselling. I was able to get to the root of the problem and find out why I turned to food in the first place and once I figured it out, it became easier to stop myself. I'm not perfect, I still have my moments believe me but I try to make sure if I do go for the food that it's healthy stuff, like dried fruit or nuts or something. It doesn't always work, but I try. All the other suggestions have also been great. I've become addicted to puzzles, crosswords and stuff like that. Anything that keeps my hand busy and my mind focused. You just have to try some stuff and find out what's best for you.
  • hutchy90
    hutchy90 Posts: 67 Member
    I do this too. My boyfriend stresses me out and next thing you know I've got a spoon in the peanut butter jar. It's so frusterating and I totally feel you. I feel unstoppable when I get like that. I'm interested in hearing some more ideas.

    Lately if I start to feel like that I brose Pinterest or google for inspiring pictures/blogs/etc and read about other peoples journeys a little. In 10-15 minutes I usually feel more motivated and can fight the craving.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I am the same way, although at times I can go the other way and not eat out of anger. This happened a lot more though with my ex, when with each bad row, I would just go without eating until we made things up as I found the situation so stressful (we shared a house with his mother thus were usually in the one room each evening as his mother had the living room). Now, I tend to end up binge eating if I let myself, and tonight I had an issue with my bf and had to pause and think before I went out to the store to buy in a load of cookies and sweet things for later. I am simply having to actively acknowledge how I am feeling and acknowledge that trying to eat it away will just result in me feeling worse the next day, especially given I lapse into bulimic tendencies if I binge or overeat.

    I come here or go into a virtual world called Second Life if I get the temptation, and escape for a bit (if I choose the latter) as there I can be anything I want, and explore beautiful worlds from my living room. I also sometimes jog on the spot to deal with any overwhelming emotions to up the step count on my fitbit, lol. Oh, and watching a favourite tv series or movie can help also, for me that being classic Doctor Who.
  • apachebat
    apachebat Posts: 119 Member
    Give yourself a manicure to keep your hands busy.

    This totally works for me too. Not only are your hands busy while you're painting, but it takes forever for them to dry and by then the mental/emotional crisis has passed.
  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    I really think the screaming on would work best but there is nowhere around me to do it.. I have never thought about using a scrapbook before though, I think that could work very well for me =) Thank you very much for the tips.

    haha...now I just scream into a pillow =)
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    I really think the screaming on would work best but there is nowhere around me to do it.. I have never thought about using a scrapbook before though, I think that could work very well for me =) Thank you very much for the tips.

    haha...now I just scream into a pillow =)

    Trust me though, If I had a mountain I would be doing that everyday. The pillow could work, just need to keep an eye on my puppy =)

    Thank you all s much for the great ideas, I have a lot to try now and hopefully they will work for me. Hope for anyone else who has the same problems and might find this thread.