Where Do I Start

So i'm trying to start this whole lose weight thing. I try not to eat to much a drink tons of water but that doesn't seem to be working i was happy because when i got on the scale yesterday and it said that i had lost 8 lbs and i got on it today and it said i gained 5 lbs im like ok i know they say dont weigh yourself everyday but im a young girl what do you think im going to do, but the whole point is do i start by trying to diet 1st or find a good workout routine i just really dont know. What do i eat throughout the days. I try not to eat and if i do not that much but then it feels like my stomach has a hole in it and i cant even concentrate i never felt this way before i use to could go days without eating and feel fine but now its like if i dont eat something it feels like im going to pass it out


  • Waters914
    Waters914 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey lady..... You are asking the question and thatsa good start . Start with a good breakfast.Lots of water is great . Do simply wrkouts if you dont belong to a gym. Walking is great . i have been working out for years and I love it .It makes me feel so good. Working out + eating right = weight loss
  • Vixen1985
    Vixen1985 Posts: 2
    Here is a great start! :-) you and the rest of us have taken the first step to become healthier and ultimately lose weight...make sure you do not have any underlying health problems that would make you gain and a lot of times a person weighs different amounts depending on the time! Crazy I know! Though I'm not a doctor (yet) I dnt think it's good to weight yourself everyday...Yeah if would be beneficial when working out to monitor and assure you're gettin enough water, but just to track weight...no. Try weighing yourself 1 time a week around the same time each week. Hopefully that helps! I'm starting my own weight lost journey so I certainly understand where you coming from! Don't give up girly!!
  • cryshelle247
    cryshelle247 Posts: 78 Member
    thank you guys alot. im really shy and i do belong to a gym called
    LA fitness but they dont really make me feel comfortable going there. like i said im really shy and i would feel much more comfortable with a workout buddy because when i was younger my mother always kept me in shape and did the exercising right along with me . i never knew what it felt like to actually be fat and now that i am im so scared of society and to go out and try and workout because ppl may look at me like im some sort of joke. =-( the huge problem is im so embarassed shy and intimidated to go out in the world now that im sitting in the house scared and nervous to go out to actually change (siggghhhh)