Anyone else on this journey alone?

Alone as in no friends or family or household support.

I have a GREAT MFP community on here but its still hard because my family is still buying cakes and cookies and tempting stuff. I have a tiny corner in the fridge for some lettuce and carrots.

If it weren't for my family on MFP I wouldn't be re-commiting to dieting and exercising.

Anyone else having this problem too? Feel free to add!!


  • MrsB724
    MrsB724 Posts: 247
    I hope you know that you can rely on your MFP family! Let me know if you need anything....I am only a message away!
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    I hope you know that you can rely on your MFP family! Let me know if you need anything....I am only a message away!

    I will definitely keep that in mind, thanks :flowerforyou:
  • muscravageur
    Alone as in no friends or family or household support.

    I have a GREAT MFP community on here but its still hard because my family is still buying cakes and cookies and tempting stuff. I have a tiny corner in the fridge for some lettuce and carrots.

    If it weren't for my family on MFP I wouldn't be re-commiting to dieting and exercising.

    Anyone else having this problem too? Feel free to add!!

    Let me tell you that today I took a relative to the gym and what she did there was figure out ways she could hurt herself with the treadmill. In other words, I feel ya.
  • Malificent83
    I completely understand, everyone around me is pigging out while I"m trying to lose weight. Just message if you need motivation. Looks like you're kicking butt, down 14lbs!!
  • Giantess
    Giantess Posts: 213 Member
    My fiancee buys junk. But he kindly swats my hand away if he sees me going for it, hah. You might ask your family to do the same for you. If you're worried they'll use cruel words, you can even coach them as to what you'd like to hear from them.

    "I'm so proud of you for staying away from this cake! You're very strong!"

    "Are you going for that cookie? Do you have the calories? Are you SURE you want it? I won't stop you, but you might be mad at yourself."

    I had to work on this, since my man naturally wants to give me anything I want. So when I used to look at a pack of cookies for too long, he'd follow behind me and sneakily drop it into the cart. Now he puts his arm around me instead and gently guides me away. Also, he buys stuff that he likes more than I do.

    Hope this helps. Maybe your fam can get on board with some of these ideas?
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    This is me. I'm doing it for me alone.
    No support from family.
    No friends.
    I'm not sharing anything. The last time I tried to lose weight I got a lot of people saying " you know what you need to do.....". Or you don't look like you've lost anything:explode:
    It's my health. It's my body. I'm tired of trying to please others. They can eat their carbs and ice cream. I'm good.
  • terri0527
    terri0527 Posts: 678 Member
    I know exactly what you mean. I am the only one at home trying to make this lifestyle change, but since I'm the one that does the grocery shopping and cooking, by default they get served healthy meals. Although I can only fool my hubby so much, most days I cook a separate meal for me. But I got this way by stuffing my face and sitting on my *kitten*. No one made me gain a huge amount of weight. No one will lose a huge amount of weight for me. As long as I have MFP to help me track and my awesome friends for support...nothing can hold me back....but me! :flowerforyou:
  • smor27
    smor27 Posts: 87
    When I was just starting out it was rough too. It somewhat helped that I was the bread winner of the family and that I did the shopping. I got to the point that I limited what I bought that they wanted. Not to the point that they were actually getting mad but I would limit things such as pop and chips, cakes. cookies. etc. Once I started losing more weight they realized that this was so much better and they are starting to watch now too. My wife is a great cook, hence why I am so fat. She is actually incorporating more and more healther things into recipes. Did you know that adding pumpkin to sauces, such as spaghetti sauce will make them healther and it tastes better too? Well it does without the pumpkin flavor.
    Try fixing things that they like in a healther way and they too will start supporting you better.

    Good luck in your journey.
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    No one ever does anything of this magnitude alone. At first I was going to say yes but not really. I live alone but I get support from my family, friends, and co-workers.

    If you're alone don't be.
  • forgetmenotcj
    forgetmenotcj Posts: 14 Member
    Yep! My mom came by yesterday with a double dip ice cream and a Dr Pepper for me. She knows I struggle and I've been dieting and she says, "Oh you can binge a little" ... No, no I can't. All day, I craved more and more. Feel free to add me, I'd love more people to support me and more people to give motivation too! I'm at 14 pounds lost since May and I need to loose about 100.
  • forgetmenotcj
    forgetmenotcj Posts: 14 Member
    Yep! My mom came by yesterday with a double dip ice cream and a Dr Pepper for me. She knows I struggle and I've been dieting and she says, "Oh you can binge a little" ... No, no I can't. All day, I craved more and more. Feel free to add me, I'd love more people to support me and more people to give motivation too! I'm at 14 pounds lost since May and I need to loose about 100.
  • sootie1
    sootie1 Posts: 1
    My DH is the kind of person who can eat whatever he likes and never gain weight. It's really frustrating because he doesn't understand why I can get so mad at him. He came back from the shops yesterday with a 'present' for me. It was a packet of lollies. I thanked him and reminded him that I'm trying to lose weight and he wasn't really helping.
  • llonka
    llonka Posts: 76 Member
    Me! I'm pretty much alone. My husband, dad and father in law all bring snacks, cake and candy to our house. then I end up eating it all. :( My mom is also on here, but has been logging due to having to surgery. so i'm pretty much alone. :brokenheart:
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I am definitely all alone. Every day my sister asks me to take her to Hardees or Dairy Queen. My husband is in basic training so I use his hard work as motivation, but I know he will still have his terrible eating habits. It is hard, but they aren't stopping me this time!
  • IDFitz
    IDFitz Posts: 10 Member
    I sometimes feel the same way. While my friends/family are already slim and fit and can 'cheat' more often than not with their diets (my friends/family and I are training for a marathon together), I often end up feeling guilty when I end up cheating myself. They give me tons of support on the fitness side of things, but sometimes I feel a bit alone on the diet side of things. It has lead to relapse snacking and eating more than a few times with the thought of "Oh I'll just work it off later... or tomorrow". Keep up the hard work and hopefully you feel a bit better knowing you aren't alone in the situation!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I have learned that my former close friends and family are a lousy support network for me.

    So, what to do?
    I replaced them all with positive, supportive people who are like-minded when it comes to common interests and goals.
    I regret that I am no longer close to certain old friends or family members, but such is life.
    Our time here is too short to be constantly infected with the poor attitudes of toxic people.

    Get out.
    Find people to connect with. Life is to be lived.
    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • HotMamaByVday
    HotMamaByVday Posts: 343 Member
    I used to think I was, but my hubby and kids have come around. Tonight we has McDonald's and I said I didn't eat fries b/c of the sodium content. My oldest looked at her bad and immediately pushed away the fries! It was amazing. Last night my hubby passed up buying sugar coated walnuts b/c they "were not the best choice."

    My family has come araound, but only after I made it clear (through my actions) that they would not deter me. I voice my opinion when they want to eat somewhere that I cannot find healthy choices. I make the time for exercise, with or without them. Sometimes it means they make thier own breakfast, but mom is a nicer person when she gets her workout in.

    We are here for you! Feel free to friend me. Just stay the course and those around you will either support you or get out of your way.
  • ana3340
    ana3340 Posts: 13
    man ... i feel ya ... i'm so alone with this, where it makes it super hard some days ... i mean sundays are the worst , because we go to my mother -in- laws every sun and every sun she makes the worst unhealthy food ever . and she knows i'm trying to do this and stick with it but her response it's only sun and were not the ones on a diet ... :( glad i've got my friends on here, but i'm always looking for more to help me along the way ....
  • LHSweeney
    LHSweeney Posts: 87 Member
    You gotta get out and find people who can meet up and do things with you... walking , bowling, gym, swimming, zumba ? Everything is on line just search your area for 5k's or run clubs or walk clubs or women's groups .... having actual people to talk to and physically do things with is the best possible compliment to your MFP community and its support.
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    Thanks for the support you guys :smile: