I'm not new but, here's my story

Jotell Posts: 139 Member
I'm an emotional eater. I started gaining weight when I was about 6 years old (which is when my mom decided to start homeschooling me). I was bored, never went out, didn't have many friends, and wasn't very active. I usually maintained my weight throughout my life. Getting taller, gained a little more. I am an emotional eater as well. If I was bored, happy, depressed, angry, ect. I would eat. I ate because it made me feel good. At the ages between 13-16 I used to take band classes and walked to school and back. Then I got my license and never walked. I tried to go to the highschool and walk home with my friend/neighbor. At the age 16 I was 180lbs. I tried walking, dieting, exercising, but I never really TRIED to lose weight only tried to stay active. By the age of 17 I started the South Beach Diet with my mom and lost 20lbs, then I started weight watchers and lost another 20lbs and got to my low of 144lbs by my senior year. I gained it all back within a matter of months, because I was bored and depressed. I had never had a boyfriend and never had been kissed. I didn't care about myself and had really low self esteem. Years went by, I became engaged, that didn't end well and I had gotten to 200lbs. I stayed around the 200lbs range till I became pregnant and then gained 50lbs. Which thankfully I quickly lost most of it, not all. Since my pregnancy I have been hovering around 225-220s. I finally broke the 220 mark and am ALMOST back to my pre-pregnancy weight.
So that's my story. :)
I also should have mentioned. I gave my daughter up for adoption, which also contributes to the lack of motivation to lose weight. She is actually the biggest part of my reason that I want to lose weight now. I want her to know that through hard work and dedication you can do anything! I have an open adoption with her and she knows who I am. But, I don't want her to know me as the fat mom.


  • arellolson
    arellolson Posts: 129 Member
    Hey, thank you for sharing your story! I know how it feels to not care about yourself and just kind of drift through life! But it is so cool that you are here sharing your story and getting healthy and in shape! Thank you for the inspiration! Keep up the great work!! :happy:
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Interesting story. Welcome aboard...
  • Pimpmonkey
    Pimpmonkey Posts: 566
    Welcome! Hope you find the drive and motivation you need to get where you want to be!!!
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    Hugs. . . you've been through alot. And this time, we'll all get thin together and stay that way.

  • Nighthawk61
    Thank you so much for sharing from your heart. I'm glad the adoption is open and that you will have the chance to meet up with your daughter again!!! I'm so impressed that she is your number one motivation, it's so inspirational. What you did was so unselfish and there's not many that would be that unselfish. God Bless you!! I'm eating vegetarian style for the first time in my life. Now that i'm managing my sugar with a blood glucose meter, i'm losing my addiction to sugar and fat, and the veggies are a real treat, and only with lemon and pepper. Do good, feel better, keep posting. Thanks again for your share.
  • Dragonldy69
    Dragonldy69 Posts: 368 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story.. :love: Welcome to MFP:flowerforyou: .. Here you will make alot of friends and start a new journey of life.. Glad to hear that your daughter knows who you are and you will beable to meet with you daughter someday.Feel free to add me as a friend if you want..
    Have a Great Day and keep on trucking..:happy:
  • tyroners
    tyroners Posts: 113 Member
    Hi, it's good you can share your story on here, lots of very supportive friends on here, add me if you wish :-)
  • rachael52
    rachael52 Posts: 86 Member
    I hope you'll get a lot of support here - me too, I'm new to MyFitnessPal. The app for the daily diary of calories is still new and cool to me and I'm re-educating myself about what has a lot of empty calories and what doesn't. No one has mentioned this yet, but have you considered therapy? I saw a therapist a few years ago who specialized in eating disorders (I feel I'm a food addict, or at least have struggled with food issues my whole life). At any rate, she was helpful to me, for a while anyway. For myself I feel that the more tools I have at hand the better.

    I know that South Beach and WW are good, they both helped me lose a lot of weight... but it did come back. I think that those two programs plus MyFitnessPal have the advantage of making you aware of what you eat and what the implications are.

    I have a veggie soup simmering and plan to make a big fruit salad on this warm summer day.

    Good luck and keep in touch.