TOUGH MUDDER HELP! need advice



  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    OK people for real be honest with me. I am still in pretty decent shape but haven't been consistently running, or working out everyday....and my friends want me to sign up for a Tough Mudder event. If you don't know what it is, basically it looks like the wrath of hell in the form of an obstacle course-and like SO MUCH FUN. I would have around 4 months to train for it, I am around 142lbs right now and usually work out for 2 hours at a time.

    I am wondering if I am or can be able to complete a 10 mile course with training hard for 4 months? I think it would REALLY push me to work out every day if I sign up- I mean its $110! And it looks like a blast- except having to swim under barrels....eek, but I really want to push myself.

    PLEASE be honest. I want to know if you think I could get into good enough shape to complete the course! I usually am able to run around 2 miles straight without stopping but I haven't timed myself or really pushed myself at running in awhile, I am thinking a good run tonight could show me more where I am at physically. WHat are your thoughts and have any of you done a tough mudder before?

    It really depends on if you want to walk it or run it. If you want to run it start training now like you're training for a half marathon, otherwise just go and have fun. I like to push and compete (pretty much just with myself, but whatever), so to get ready for mine in September I'm running and lifting. 4 months is more than enough. Runners World has a great run training app.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I have wondered about people's opinions as well, I am planning to do it in my area next fall so that I have more than enough time to make sure my body is prepared. I'm really excited though
  • Buckrussell
    I ran a tough mudder in November. It was not easy. To train, I made sure I could run over 6 miles. Nothing fast. 10 minute miles were fine. You need upper body strength. You need all around strength. Do not focus on strength training specific muscles. It helps, but you need to do some "field day" workouts. Bear crawl, crab walk, etc. The tough mudder workout is great. The longest run I had was probably a hair over a half mile at the very begginnig. You'll have to wait for a few obstacles. Push yourself. DO NOT DO THIS ALONE! You need a team mate to help get over obstacles. It'll be the most fun thing you've ever done! You'll be running and laughing and joking with your teammates and everyone around you! Push hard. Motivate the people around you. Make sure you are hydrated. Eat for energy and don't worry about calories that day. You'll burn anything off that you eat. There are many hydration stations along the way. Some have food as well. Enter, push yourself to finish, and enjoy it. It took our team about 3 and a half hours to finish the 12 miles. Good luck!
  • dreamer1003
    dreamer1003 Posts: 30 Member
    I am also training for the tough mudder in the Mid Atlantic in September. Some days I think I am crazy. I am doing this as a means of celebrating reaching my goal (instead of throwing a party with lots of bad food or something) - which I hope to actually reach by then. This is a test that will show me how far I have come! I am not sure I am training enough but there is no way to know until I am there. I will struggle with the upper body obstacles. I think with 4 months to train you have plenty of time! Do it - have a blast and be so very proud of yourself!

    This is not a race at all. They don't advertise it as one either. They specifically say it is not timed. It's purpose is to challenge you and encourage you to work with others as a team. They do not time it so that you don't feel the need to run ahead of your team.
  • volleypc
    volleypc Posts: 134 Member
    I am going to do the one in TN next April. I may sign up for the gulf coast one as well. A couple of friends from work have recently started working out and doing 5ks, etc. I have talked them into doing a warrior dash event this fall. They may hate me for it, but it does make working out more fun and has gotten several other people in the office interested in running/joining the gym. Let me know how it goes.
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    Tough Mudder isn't one of the events with super hard terrain. It is going to push you, but you'll be able to complete it. I plan on going next year (most of my friends who would go with me are pregnant right now - so not going to work ATM). But yeah. I don't think you have to "train" per se... just stay active. hit the gym 5-6 times a week until then. Focus on running and weights and leg stuff. You'll be golden. ;)

    I guess it depends on the venue...The course I did was up and down a mountain all day. I thought it was super hard terrain...maybe I'm a wimp? LOL

    To the OP's question. 4 months is plenty of time if you're already in decent shape. And of course, it depends on what you want to get out of it, is there a certain obstacle you "must" complete (for yourself)? If so, train for that and everything else will come. I used the training program off of the Tough Mudder site.

    It will be the most "FUN" you've ever hard!!!
  • ToughMudderAddict
    ToughMudderAddict Posts: 290 Member
    Tough Mudder isn't one of the events with super hard terrain. It is going to push you, but you'll be able to complete it. I plan on going next year (most of my friends who would go with me are pregnant right now - so not going to work ATM). But yeah. I don't think you have to "train" per se... just stay active. hit the gym 5-6 times a week until then. Focus on running and weights and leg stuff. You'll be golden. ;)

    So I have to disagree with this slightly as I did the TM at Whistler.. Whister, BC is a ****ing mountain. I spent all day going up and down that mountain, going in and out of freezing cold water and lakes. Having said that, I had a blast and I did not "train" very hard for the event. I am starting my training now for the TM in September-Seattle. I completed all obstacles and honestly can not wait to do it again. I learned that I do need to work on my upper body strength though!

    I recommend signing up and working your butt off so when the day gets here you'll be set and ready for some fun.
  • ToughMudderAddict
    ToughMudderAddict Posts: 290 Member
    FYI:  The electrified obstacles do suck!  On the last obstacle, I got shocked on the face.  It felt like someone punched me!  The wife happened to shoot a pic as I was getting zapped. I am the guy in the middle.

    I got shocked at the end too!! Thus, my profile picture. It hurt sooooooo bad! hahaha! So much fun though!
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    Thanks everyone! I definitely signed up...have been working out 5/6 times a week and have a team as well! There are about 6 of us who signed up so I feel confident we will help push each other! I have been doing running mixed with other workouts, like biking, INSANITY, and weight training so I feel that I will be ready by the race. I can easily run 4 miles straight right now, under 38 min so I feel that I am in good enough shape to complete the race. I am VERY excited, and loosely following a half marathon training schedule so I will complete a 10 mile run before the actual race.

    I REALLY appreciate everyones advice!!!

    And the shock in the face pic...looks...AWESOME!! Haha I am scared of that but I will push through!! The underwater (under barrels) obstacle scares me the most but I am excited to go out there and push myself to see how tough I am.

    Again, thanks everyone!! I will post some after-TM pics!
  • fels123
    fels123 Posts: 44
    I did the scotland one, it was wicked!! Message me for advice if you need, my team qualified for the worlds toughest mudder so we must have done something right :)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    should be totally doable. I'm signing up for SoCal in February, and I can't run worth a damn. My thinking is that with 25 obstacles spread over 10 or so miles, it's basically half mile runs till you hit the logjam at an obstacle, wait your turn, face your punishment, then jog out the half mile to the next obstacle. I can do half mile runs all day long. Slowly, but I can do them.
  • kevglu
    kevglu Posts: 13 Member
    A team of about forty of my friends did the Tough Mudder in AZ last year, some in shape and some obese, and they all made it through. You can take as much time as you want and are allowed to skip any obstacles you wish. The only complaint I heard at all was about the electroshock therapy, a couple of people were knocked out cold by it.