Gained a pound?! :(

Oh no! Sundays are my weigh I'm days and I got up this morning to find out I'm now 143. Last week was my first weigh in and I lost 5lbs and I was so happy! This week I've been doing well, not great still but I have been within my calories. I've been exercising everyday (hurting my poorly knee in the process -.- ) I have been doing the 30 day shred only 5 days each though as I get bored and I finished level 2 this week. Along with that, I've been using my bike machine and treadmill (there was 2 days that I couldn't use the treadmill though)



  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    dont fret it. week 2 is traditionally bad for the majority of people. your body is still trying to adjust to your new regime. keep at it and dont be discouraged. in the large scheme of things 1lb is nothing. keep your head up.
  • LlostInSpace
    Ahhhhh I want to go out of the 140's!!! -.-
  • leahartmann
    leahartmann Posts: 415
    No- I gained 2.2.... Very frustrating (but my own fault. I slip to much.) If you haven´t been working out like this before recently, then don´t worry at all! It´ll come. Your body have to adjust and it take some time- but then you will se some results. Measure yourself, maybe your losing inches instead of weight right now. What you do is very fine. You´re on the right track, just keep going. Don´t lose courage. And take care of those knees! Don´t strain them, they have to last for a long time. ;o)
  • akiramezu
    akiramezu Posts: 278
    one pound? i gained 7 pounds on the weekend and no change in body composition. What you think you gained is just water weight, my best advice to you is to stop over obsessing with a pound. that's less than a half a kilo. you could gain that drinking 2-3 cups of water.