Looking for a small but strong support group

Hello to all. My name is Amanda, I am 24yo and I live in Lovely Las Vegas, NV. I started my weight loss journey near the end of December 2011. I was able to take off 31 # before I slowly slipped off my diet. I have gained back 6 of those pounds recently and have decided to get back on track and to finish off losing the other half of my weight to reach my goal. I am currently at 182 and my GW is between 150-155 ( im 5'6) and I hope to reach it by late October. I realized that a major reason I stopped coming on here and then watched the dominos continue to tumble until I was eating whatever, whenever, was because I had a very poor support group. I had about 20-30 'friends' that hardly responded to any of my posts, or accomplishments, and when they did the responses were generic. So I am in search of a handful of supporters and future buddies to take this journey with me that will actually be supportive and attentive so I don't fail this time. I am a night owl so most of my posting is at night, and my food log is a little weird lol. Also I plan to restart the c25k again soon ( I have to let an ankle sprain heal first) and am going to be getting a gym membership soon. So yeah that about covers it. Send me a pm if you'd like to be a supporter [ ) and to gain one in return of course. Please include some info about you in the message. HAVE A GREAT DAY and remember to NEVER STOP STRIVING !


  • Pammie1000
    Pammie1000 Posts: 365 Member
    Hi Amanda, I've gotten way off track during June and I too need a support group to hold me accountable when I slip. I'm sending you a friend request. Good luck to both of us! :drinker:
  • Jenph20
    Jenph20 Posts: 134 Member
    Hi Ladies!! I have a ladies only support group on fb. We are starting a new 90 day challenge on 7/2. We motivate, support and share ideas with each other. We would love to have either of you. Just send me a message if you are interested :)
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    I have similar weight loss goals and am in need of the support as well. I'd love to support you on your journey. I'll send you a friend req!
  • camiah
    camiah Posts: 146
    I have a bit more (okay, a lot more) weight to lose and find I do better, like you do, with real support, not the generic, "go you!" sort of support. I need to make it stick this time, I'm tired of seeing the incessant crawl upward after losing a few pounds.

    I'm sending a friend request--I cheer you on, and you can cheer me on. Sounds good, no?