Starting Again

Hello, this is the first time I have ever used a web tool to help loose weight. Around 4 years ago I weighed over 280lbs, and was tired of being overweight. Even at 6'ft it was hard to be that heavy. I worked very hard for a year to loose over 100lbs, as of last year I was 165lbs. The problem is, life has gotten in the way and I have started to put weight back on. I have gained back 20lbs and I am frustrated because I cannot seem to loose it again. I have never joined a fitness website, but I figured it would help me hold myself accountable. Wish me luck! My goal is to be back down to 165lbs by December of 2012.



  • AwesomeOne66
    AwesomeOne66 Posts: 220
    Hi there
    Sharon from Australia here. I love your story, feel free to friend me!