A new committed me!

choppie70 Posts: 544 Member
In February, I had surgery to have my gal bladder removed. They almost did not do the surgery because my blood pressure was way too high. While I was going through that process I was diagnosed with Hydronephrosis. (swelling of the kidney). I lost 6lbs right after surgery, but gained it all back quickly.

I really started my journey on May 11.I just had an appointment with a Nephrologist . I was my highest weight ever and the Dr. said that the pain could be just back pain because of my extra weight. I was crushed!

On the way home we went to a local discount store looking for something for my husband and he found a pair of sneakers in my fav. color and bought them for me. He said they were a good price. That was the final step I needed!

I have done some type of activity every day since then - walking, 30DS, Biggest Loser Videos, anything! I have also totally overhauled what we are eating. The biggest thing is cutting out processed foods - no more chicken nuggets and fries for dinner! We are also trying some new healthy foods, which is totally not me. Even my 5 year old daughter is starting to ask for "a healthy" snack instead of junk food, which is a huge plus for me. I don't want her to grow up unhealthy!

As of today, I have lost a little over 16 lbs and many inches. I am one size smaller and can finally feel my collar bone again! I have a long way to go, but I feel I can do it! I am really loving MFP!


  • boernera
    boernera Posts: 13 Member
    Hi im new too! I work at a Curves and i do exercise but my eating habits are terrible, so i was told by a friend about this site and am going to try
    DMUND Posts: 299 Member
    Great job!!! Sounds like you are well on your way to getting your family healthy! Kuddo's to you!!! Feel free to add me if you'd like to be part of my support system! Good luck with the rest of your journey!
  • wendytc
    wendytc Posts: 189 Member
    Yes, you definitely CAN do it! The hardest step is the first and you already did that!!