P90X and Calories

Hi everyone,

This is day one of p90x for me. I am so use to "diets" saying to eat 1200 calories, that eating 2400 for this work out seems like a treat. I am a little concerned that I will gain instead of lose, but I will eat 2400 calories happily.

I looked up results for this workout online and I say a lot of skinny people whole built nice muscle. I am not skinny. I need to lose 20lbs+. I didn't see alot of picture of chubby people who looked really slim and fit after. The chubby people still seemed, well, chubby, but smaller. Any former chubby people who got really fit using this program out there? Will this program help lose weight or is it more about toning a smaller person?


  • oaker
    oaker Posts: 132 Member
    I started the program at 190lbs. I am 5'9", and was chubby. I now weigh 157, but I am halfway thru another round. I did make it to 160 for the first 90 days. I tried to stick with the 2400 cal/day most of the time. I really only went to 2000 calories on days with yoga and stretching. The program is not designed to lose weight, but if you eat good foods and work really hard on the workouts, the pounds will come off. I am 43 and during the 90 days, I got fatigued. I think a lot has to do with my age of course, but also the intense workouts. Try not to concentrate on weight loss on a daily basis. The first 4 weeks are tough to get 50% of your calories thru protein. You might want to get some protein whey. I had to, because I could not get enough protein thru food, unless you just want to eat turkey and chicken. The diet is a very large part of the program. Oh, and getting back to just toned and chubby. A lot of people now tell me I look too skinny. I started with a 39 waist and now am at 32. Again, I can't overemphasize the diet part of the program.
  • NDgal
    NDgal Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Firepixie.
    I am just about to start the P90X program as well. I had started twice before but after a week or 2, I got sidetracked at work. SO this will be my REAL attempt. I have about 25 lbs to lose but more importantly, I want to be stronger and have better core fitness. Maybe we can use each other for encouragement.
    How did you log your P90X excercise on this site? Just use vigourous calesthics?
  • princessjade22
    I just ordered the P90X yesterday and I cannot wait to get started. I am controlling my eating habits now and have started to lose weight. I really look forward to building muscle. Good luck everyone!
  • Willpower90x
    Willpower90x Posts: 8 Member
    You eat a lot of calories with this program because you burn a lot. Give it time and you will lose the weight. At first you may add weight but that is just muscle. I've seen people on the beachbody forums complain about not losing weight after the first two weeks but then later on they are pleasantly suprised. Getting the athletic body you want will take feeding your body more like an athlete. Remember its a 90 day program and after 90 days you will see great results. Also plan for day 91 so you don't go crazy and put weight back on. Hope this helped a little. Also, I've seen a ton of pics on the beachbody website where people went from fat to thin. Keep looking around.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,746 Member
    The message boards at Beachbody are a great source of info. There are lots of threads devoted solely to P90X, and you can learn a lot from the people who have been there, done that. It's a great and challenging workout. I've done two rounds (with mixed results — getting a handle on your diet is key). Right now, I'm doing Slim in 6 and may do another round of X in the future. I have about 20 pounds left to lose, and I've decided I want to dump that first. I figure it will make the pushups and pullups much easier!

    Good luck with P90X, and enjoy!

  • firepixie
    Thanks for the support and advice everyone. I want to get stronger first, but losing 20lbs would be a great second.

    NDgal, yes lets support each other. I am doing the 1st work out shortly, so I have not yet logged it. I will wear my HRM and log what I burn, so I will just create my own exercise.

    Thanks all!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Use the program to boost your metabolism. The scale might not budge as much as you'd like it to but you will get thinner as you shed fat and get much stronger in the process. The pounds also start to come off a lot faster towards the end and even after the program. I lost 9 pounds during P90X and another 6 less than a month later during my "recovery month".

    The photos will show a lot more than the scale so don't be shy about your "before" photos and take measurements.
  • firepixie
    I guess I will just have to be patient, not a strength of mine!