When do you contact your doctor?



  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I took a look at your diary, and honestly , your carb level is RIGHT at where MFP suggests that it be...however...I find it to be too high for ME to lose weight. For several weeks, try to cut down the high carbs foods such as cereal and chips/snack mix, potatoes, etc. I would bet money that if you cut your carbs down to 100-150g per day, you would start losing pounds again.

    I am similar in height/weight to you ( 5'2", CW 208.8, SW 228.4)...I spent 3 months busting butt in the gym and struggled HARD to lose 7lbs following the MFP suggested macros. May 7th I started cutting my carbs down to 100g NET per day ( loosely following the Atkins guidelines...) and working out the same as I had before--the first week I lost 4.8 pounds, and I have averaged about 1.25lbs a week for the last 7 weeks. Tuesday I expect the scale to show that I have lost 13lbs in 8 weeks!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Thought this article about plateaus was interesting

    Numbers Kate is right - this is a really interesting article.

    Depressing, but interesting.

    A friend of mine was part of this research team. They found people lost weight easily, but then plateaued. The REASON they plateaued is that they thought they were still dieting, but they got sloppy and slipped back into old habits - they ate too much and didn't realize it.

    It takes a LONG time to lose weight and a long time to break old habits. If you really went back to being super careful about logging everything for two weeks, would you make some progress?
  • MissKTMc
    MissKTMc Posts: 49
    I took a look at your diary, and honestly , your carb level is RIGHT at where MFP suggests that it be...however...I find it to be too high for ME to lose weight. For several weeks, try to cut down the high carbs foods such as cereal and chips/snack mix, potatoes, etc. I would bet money that if you cut your carbs down to 100-150g per day, you would start losing pounds again.

    I am similar in height/weight to you ( 5'2", CW 208.8, SW 228.4)...I spent 3 months busting butt in the gym and struggled HARD to lose 7lbs following the MFP suggested macros. May 7th I started cutting my carbs down to 100g NET per day ( loosely following the Atkins guidelines...) and working out the same as I had before--the first week I lost 4.8 pounds, and I have averaged about 1.25lbs a week for the last 7 weeks. Tuesday I expect the scale to show that I have lost 13lbs in 8 weeks!

    Please be careful about reducing your carb intake!! Yes, it will cause you to lose weight but as soon as you start to reintroduce carbs into your diet again, you will gain weight! You have to be patient about weight loss and do it with a balanced diet. You are probably already deficient in Vitamin D (as most of us are since we don't get enough sunshine!) The majority of carb sources are also rich in Vitamin C which is vital for weight loss as it boosts your metabolism and immune system and will decrease your fat storage mechanism. Speak to your doctor about Vitamin D and see what he/she recommends. In the meantime, continue with what your doing but try and boost your fruit intake. Don't get hung on up on the sugars figure from fruit as it is refined sugars and excess glucose that you need to be careful about not fructose which is the naturally occurring sugar in fruit.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I took a look at your diary, and honestly , your carb level is RIGHT at where MFP suggests that it be...however...I find it to be too high for ME to lose weight. For several weeks, try to cut down the high carbs foods such as cereal and chips/snack mix, potatoes, etc. I would bet money that if you cut your carbs down to 100-150g per day, you would start losing pounds again.

    I am similar in height/weight to you ( 5'2", CW 208.8, SW 228.4)...I spent 3 months busting butt in the gym and struggled HARD to lose 7lbs following the MFP suggested macros. May 7th I started cutting my carbs down to 100g NET per day ( loosely following the Atkins guidelines...) and working out the same as I had before--the first week I lost 4.8 pounds, and I have averaged about 1.25lbs a week for the last 7 weeks. Tuesday I expect the scale to show that I have lost 13lbs in 8 weeks!

    Please be careful about reducing your carb intake!! Yes, it will cause you to lose weight but as soon as you start to reintroduce carbs into your diet again, you will gain weight! You have to be patient about weight loss and do it with a balanced diet. You are probably already deficient in Vitamin D (as most of us are since we don't get enough sunshine!) The majority of carb sources are also rich in Vitamin C which is vital for weight loss as it boosts your metabolism and immune system and will decrease your fat storage mechanism. Speak to your doctor about Vitamin D and see what he/she recommends. In the meantime, continue with what your doing but try and boost your fruit intake. Don't get hung on up on the sugars figure from fruit as it is refined sugars and excess glucose that you need to be careful about not fructose which is the naturally occurring sugar in fruit.

    I am being careful....Actually, about 8 years ago my doctor told me to cut my carbs down to 50g net per day to treat a metabolic issue I had. I had to stop eating that way as I got pregnant and restricting carbs was not healthy for the baby.

    I disagree with the comment about not needing to limit fructose. My body does not know WHERE the sugar comes from. I DO eat fruit, but it is lower carb berries vs melon or apples. Pretty sure my diet is OK since I eat a HUGE salad most days for lunch ( that way I get my veggies in).
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I took a look at your diary, and honestly , your carb level is RIGHT at where MFP suggests that it be...however...I find it to be too high for ME to lose weight. For several weeks, try to cut down the high carbs foods such as cereal and chips/snack mix, potatoes, etc. I would bet money that if you cut your carbs down to 100-150g per day, you would start losing pounds again.

    I am similar in height/weight to you ( 5'2", CW 208.8, SW 228.4)...I spent 3 months busting butt in the gym and struggled HARD to lose 7lbs following the MFP suggested macros. May 7th I started cutting my carbs down to 100g NET per day ( loosely following the Atkins guidelines...) and working out the same as I had before--the first week I lost 4.8 pounds, and I have averaged about 1.25lbs a week for the last 7 weeks. Tuesday I expect the scale to show that I have lost 13lbs in 8 weeks!

    Please be careful about reducing your carb intake!! Yes, it will cause you to lose weight but as soon as you start to reintroduce carbs into your diet again, you will gain weight! You have to be patient about weight loss and do it with a balanced diet. You are probably already deficient in Vitamin D (as most of us are since we don't get enough sunshine!) The majority of carb sources are also rich in Vitamin C which is vital for weight loss as it boosts your metabolism and immune system and will decrease your fat storage mechanism. Speak to your doctor about Vitamin D and see what he/she recommends. In the meantime, continue with what your doing but try and boost your fruit intake. Don't get hung on up on the sugars figure from fruit as it is refined sugars and excess glucose that you need to be careful about not fructose which is the naturally occurring sugar in fruit.

    I am being careful....Actually, about 8 years ago my doctor told me to cut my carbs down to 50g net per day to treat a metabolic issue I had. I had to stop eating that way as I got pregnant and restricting carbs was not healthy for the baby.

    I disagree with the comment about not needing to limit fructose. My body does not know WHERE the sugar comes from. I DO eat fruit, but it is lower carb berries vs melon or apples. Pretty sure my diet is OK since I eat a HUGE salad most days for lunch ( that way I get my veggies in).

    Agreed - your doctor's order of 50g net is actually a very safe level to maintain. Also on the fruit as well. I can only have one serving per day of the berry group of fruits (I use them in my protein smoothies) which I freeze and then use as the 'Ice" in my drink to make it a nice frozen treat!
  • rjlam326
    rjlam326 Posts: 16
    I would suggest you keep doing what your doing with the exception of your carb intake. I myself have only carbs like bread, potatoes,rice once per day. Do remember that there are carbs in other foods as well. The other thing that I watch is my protein intake. If I do not get enough protein I do not lose. I would also look at consulting a nutritionist/dietician. You may require a referral from you family physician for this and also keeping your family physician up to date with your progress is also a good idea. The best is being accountable for what you do on a daily basis. If you feel your doing everything you can to lose then keep doing what your doing and it will come off. Your are doing awesome so don't get discouraged. It will all even out in the end.
  • peony1001
    peony1001 Posts: 8
    I found fruit made me think I was being healthy when I was actually taking in too much sugar (and didn't lose weight). Those portion sizes really matter. Try having veggies for a snack instead (carrot sticks, peppers, cucumber) or even protein (boiled egg, lean turkey breast) and always exercise til you are out of breath and sweaty. It doesn't matter if it's for only 5 minutes, but working to exhaustion is the way to get your body to burn calories.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I read an article the other day that said vitamin D deficiancy could make you not lose weight to. When I had all my blood work done, my vitamin D was wayyyyyyyyy low! Dr. adviced me to take 5,000 iUa day which is A LOT. Might want to look at that too. The article said most people have a deficiancy. Worth a shot! Hope it helps me. I have been taking them about a little over 3 weeks now. Been exercising and watching what I eat better and have lost 9 lbs. Good luck!
    My vitamin D was at "untraceable", so was my sister's. Our indoor lifestyles, coupled with our use of sunscreens have created an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency. My doc put me on mega doses for 5 weeks, now I take Cal/Mag/D daily. I've kept mine up for a year or two now.
    And yes, they say it does make it hard to lose weight.

    If it were me? I'd try to eat about 1/3 less carbs, and focus on the complex cards, and up my protein. That might make things budge.
  • Shrinking_Moody
    Shrinking_Moody Posts: 270 Member
    Thyroid was checked on last physical in November. It was fine. I dont take Multi-Vitamins because they make me nauseous., My sodium count could be lower but I try to combat that with water. I dont know about Iron count.

    I have that problem w/ vitamins too - so I've started taking One a Day Gummies w/ Immune Support and they work well for me. I don't have to eat with them and there is no nausea. You can find them basically anywhere on the vitamin isle.
  • brendanstallard
    brendanstallard Posts: 59 Member

    The B12/Iron is easily checkable. You look too young for that sort of issue, but it's worth checking, easily fixable.

    I take a liquid multivitamin that helps a lot to deal with that horse pill issue.


    I don't work for 'em, or get benefit in any way, other than just a happy customer.

    If yer low on B12, your doctor will prescribe B12 injections, they will solve that issue right quick. If you are, them B12 injections are like getting high octane gas in your tank:)

    If yer low on iron, try liquid ferrous iron from Amazon. Cheap, easy to take, tastes ok. Works.

    Other than that, I repeat what the others have said, some plateau-ing is going to happen. Don't knock yerself out, it'll happen.

  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    I really like the idea of eating your TDEE for your goal weight... it makes since to eat like the thinner person you want to be in order to become that thinner person. It takes in acount your activity level, so it makes it very simple, no eating back calories. I hadn't lost weight in a while until I switched to this from my lower calorie allotment. Here is the article from MFP:


    Here is the site to calculate:
    visit http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/

    Plenty of people have lost weight when they up their calorie goal... I'm at 179 lbs now and I eat more than you- on average 1500 a day (plus an addition 200 because I'm nursing)

    Good luck! Keep your head up, it can't last forever!
  • WaxMama
    WaxMama Posts: 369 Member
    I read an article the other day that said vitamin D deficiancy could make you not lose weight to. When I had all my blood work done, my vitamin D was wayyyyyyyyy low! Dr. adviced me to take 5,000 iUa day which is A LOT. Might want to look at that too. The article said most people have a deficiancy. Worth a shot! Hope it helps me. I have been taking them about a little over 3 weeks now. Been exercising and watching what I eat better and have lost 9 lbs. Good luck!

    This could be... mine was lower than the doctor and nurse had ever seen it... it was a 4 lol I just had a baby and apparently that in combination with nursing can drain your body of the vitamin. I was on 50,000 iu a day for 2 weeks and now I take the 50,000 iu twice a week... can't way that it's helped as I started taking them before I started my journey...