Cramming Our Brains, Not Our Faces--Week 3

It's 11:00 here and I can't wait for the thread anymore so here we go.... lol

Does labour day count? :blushing: Because, I know I'm making up excuses, but on Friday I was at 116, and yesterday 116.5, but then I did a little bad snacking last night and am bloated today and am at....118 :grumble: That's up ANOTHER lb, so +2 from week 1. But I'm going to rationalize further, this is for collegeee students and my semester doesn't start until THURSDAY, so I'm still in summer mode hehehe :laugh: When I get back to school and to my own place, I'm going to be SO GOOD that I'm sure I'll get to my goal in no time. For NOW....

SW: 116
LW: 117
TW: 118

up 1 lb this week, 2 lb total, boo....

everyone else?


  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    dont weigh so much! i weigh a lot but only count it once a week....usually by that day im down from the week before, but during the week i go up and down everyday, sometimes as much as 5lbs! so dont worry, just keep working!
  • kroger7
    kroger7 Posts: 124 Member
    But today is the weigh-in day for our group. So I HAD to weigh, and it just happened to be a day I was up, so that's why I was mentioning the other days I was down hehe rationalizing and all that:blushing:
  • margaretthedevil
    I've been taking an exercise break for the past couple of days in preparation for starting P90x. Didn't gain a single pound. o.O I didn't eat so well for two meals for two of those days. Had a burger with fries in one sitting. Not the best idea in the world :tongue:, but I find that I do not bloat or gain much weight if I keep my sugar and sodium in check. I also eat a lot of fiber every day (30 grams+).

    SW: 120
    LW: 119
    TW: 119
    I always seem to weigh less during the beginning of the week. :laugh:
  • margaretthedevil
    Btw if you did some snacking esp. late night snacking (probably the worst time to snack as your body is in rest mode not burn calories mode) you're definitely going to be bloated in the morning. I would definitely try to get in some exercise right about now. Damage control you know? :tongue:
  • stef_e_b
    Starting weight: 262
    Week 1: 233
    Week 2: 232
    Week 3: 230.6
  • kroger7
    kroger7 Posts: 124 Member
    bump! where is everyone? i know it's a holiday but come on! :glasses:
  • margaretthedevil
    I'm reading my P90x manual. Just got it today sooooooo excited! :bigsmile: Just the thing I needed to get rid of this plateau! >_< Plus people are probably getting ready for the college semester if they aren't already there.
  • truedecember
    truedecember Posts: 151 Member
    Okay, so I weighed in this morning and not sure quite which weight to go with! Now that I'm at school I am using a different scale, and it has me at 4 pounds heavier than I was at home. Also, I had to weigh in after I ate breakfast, because I have to go to our gym to use it. So before I worked out I was 165.4 and after I worked out I was 164.1. And last week at home I was 161! I think I'll stick with the scale reading from before my workout this morning, even though it's a bigger number than I would like, it's the only scale I have access to now!! So, boo. But I think I'm going to start over with my starting weight and go from here!! (Lol sorry I just basically talked to myself to figure that one out...)

    SW: 165.4
    CW: 165.4
    GW: 150
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    But today is the weigh-in day for our group. So I HAD to weigh, and it just happened to be a day I was up, so that's why I was mentioning the other days I was down hehe rationalizing and all that:blushing:

    What is your goal?
  • HealthyKt78
    Where is everyone this week??
    I was waiting til I got back to school from going home this weekend to weigh myself.

    So down 2 total but down 3 from last week!!!
  • ecoker06
    Well i was deffinitly on last weeks board, thanks for the heads up!! So i did crap last week but i didn't gain woop woop. Workouts start again this week (after amonth break) as of tonight! And to all of the people who just are starting school i'm so jealous, i'm on week 3 :(

    SW: 148
    CW: 133.4
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    i had a bad week this past week, didnt work out hardly at all so im still the same at 150. I started eating clean this week and working out so im hoping to see the scale move this week.
    CW 150
    GW 110
  • elysetoplin
    i was in a car all day monday so couldn't weigh until tuesday, and then forgot to post on here until now. go me.
    so tuesday weight: 154.
    no gain over the weekend, and 3.6 lbs down from last monday (although that weekend involved lots of alcohol so the numbers are probably a little off.) yay!
  • margaretthedevil
    Bump! Morning guys! :flowerforyou:
  • HealthyKt78
    Anyone have any ideas about cheap easy to make food. I'm getting bored with the food I have lately but money is kind of a problem.
  • elysetoplin
    weight before the weekend: 153.4.
  • margaretthedevil
    Monday weight: 119
    Friday morning update: 118 lbs! Weeeeeee. I guess starting school is actually good for something haha.
  • HealthyKt78
    Before Weekend Weight: 274