Three weeks to getting bikini-ready: what would you do?

SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
I haven't been on a holiday abroad for a couple of years but now might have the chance to go away in three weeks time (if I can get the money together and find something last minute supercheap - probably to Greece).

That leaves me just three weeks to get bikini ready. Argggghhhh! I'm in MFP for the long haul and don't believe in quick fixes, but it still makes me feel like I should step it up a gear in time for the holiday.

What can I do in three weeks to get in shape quickly? I'm currently doing the C25K running programme three times a week (up to Week 5), a hike at the weekend and eating to my BMR (giving a steady 1lb a week loss).

What would you do in the same situation to get bikini confident? I'm thinking some strength training using Jillian Michaels' DVDs plus a spray tan - but is this enough? Any ideas around food or exercise would be welcomed!


  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Can you get into a gym? Because if you can, I think doing NROLFW, or Stronglifts, combined with planking etc will give you better short term results than that annoying Mitchell woman will... Plus, you won't have to listen to her nasal voice nagging at you... :-)
  • Maridar
    Maridar Posts: 164 Member
    three weeks with exercise and an eating/diet plan shoud do the work. I tried the Dukan diet once, not for long as usual, 7 days of protein plus some fiber, I lost about 6.5 pounds, then of course, I got happy that I could lose weight and started eating "normally" again:) you can do protein days from 2 to 10 days (lots of info online) then the diet switches to protein and veggies for a long haul, untill you reach your goal weight, then maintenance.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Cheers Meerkat. Not a member of a gym at the moment but been thinking about NROWFW at home - quite a few MFPs seem to be doing it that way. I've got a decent set of different weights but would need to get some new big heavy ones!

    Maridar - pondered the idea of low-carbing for a few weeks. I've had great results in the past but always struggle with energy levels when doing endurance exercise such as hiking. As such, I now eat around 100g carbs a day.Might have a think about dropping the level short term though.