Moved in together...

Hello! My name is Emily and I decided to join myfitnesspal to help me get off this last 10 lbs. I've lost a total so far of 180 lbs on my own over the last 5 years. I'm now living with my boyfriend who is not interested in eating healthy or exercising what so ever. I have tried with no success to get him motivated. He is a pusher for ice cream and candy. I am struggling with self control and have watched my weight creep up a few lbs... Any advice and support would be greatly appreciated! I would love to have some friends here on this site to help encourage me. I am good at cheering people on too! :)




  • naturalbrowndiva
    naturalbrowndiva Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome feel free to add me! you can do it. Maybe now by staying together if he see you motivated to stay on track even with him eating like that, he'll join you. You doing this for you so stay determined!
  • Jodibear58
    Jodibear58 Posts: 280 Member
    feel free to add me! Being part of this group is a great way to stay encourage! My daugher is the same way. She is not interested in being healthy, etc...but could stand to lose a few. I am trying not to nag her...