Help my petition? (Tattoos in the workplace).

KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
TL;Decided not to read beforehand -- Tattoos have no effect on a person's work performance, sense of ethics, or character, and my local police department needs to stop discriminating against applicants with tattoos. So would you visit the link down below and sign my petition, please?

I'm going to try to make this short and briefly share what my petition is about and why I started it in the first place.

My boyfriend has wanted to be a cop his entire life -- he's the most beautiful person I know, and I know he wants this job because he genuinely wants to help out his community and make it a better place. For his city's police department, he took the agility test and the written test, did an interview/background check with an officer at the department. He qualified in every single way possible, and he was the *only* person to qualify without military experience. However, he can't have the job because he has a tattoo (and a totally inoffensive one at that). Officers already employed with the department are told to cover up their tattoos, but the chief of police here has made it so that applicants with tattoos cannot get the job. County doesn't care about tattoos. The next county doesn't care about tattoos. The next city over doesn't care about tattoos. This is not a regular thing here, and it shouldn't be -- it is discrimination.

I'll try to stop rambling. Anyway, I need... 956 more signatures, which sounds like a lot, but people have been signing for me pretty quickly, and I truly appreciate it. I would love love love it if you fine people would do the same and sign for me, and even share on your social networking sites, if you don't mind. Thanks so much for your consideration!


  • EndlessSacrifice
    I signed it for you. :)
  • no_stemz
    no_stemz Posts: 47
    I'll sign....thanking the great State of Missouri for employing me and letting me in a courtroom even though I'm literally COVERED in tattoos.
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    I signed it for you. :)
    Thank you so much! Every signature helps. Let me know if you ever need the favor returned for a good cause. =3.
    I'll sign....thanking the great State of Missouri for employing me and letting me in a courtroom even though I'm literally COVERED in tattoos.
    That is AWESOME! What do you do? (Because just a couple days ago, I was telling people, "I can't *wait* for the day that I see lawyers all tatted up and awesome, and still taken seriously because they're good at their jobs").
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    What happens when you get all the signatures? Chief of police is going to cave because of disapproval from people from the internet who don't even live in his county?
  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    What happens when you get all the signatures? Chief of police is going to cave because of disapproval from people from the internet who don't even live in his county?
    What happens is I print off the list of signatures to show him whenever I meet with him to discuss the issue. As each person signs, an email is sent to him and some of his staff to put some pressure on some other people as well (and some who I know for a fact regret the tattoo policy, so they will be encouraged by the emails). Even if some of the people don't live in his county, the matter is that people know this discrimination is wrong.
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    What happens when you get all the signatures? Chief of police is going to cave because of disapproval from people from the internet who don't even live in his county?
    What happens is I print off the list of signatures to show him whenever I meet with him to discuss the issue. As each person signs, an email is sent to him and some of his staff to put some pressure on some other people as well (and some who I know for a fact regret the tattoo policy, so they will be encouraged by the emails). Even if some of the people don't live in his county, the matter is that people know this discrimination is wrong.

    Please don't take this the wrong way, but why isn't your boyfriend sitting down with the Chief to discuss the issue? I understand what you are trying to do, but it doesn't give a good impression when a family member/friend interferes in work situations. It's no different than when someone's mom shows up at school...
  • no_stemz
    no_stemz Posts: 47
    I'll sign....thanking the great State of Missouri for employing me and letting me in a courtroom even though I'm literally COVERED in tattoos.
    That is AWESOME! What do you do? (Because just a couple days ago, I was telling people, "I can't *wait* for the day that I see lawyers all tatted up and awesome, and still taken seriously because they're good at their jobs").

    I work for the Public Defender's office, I am only an assistant but I am still in the front of the court room. I can cover my tattoos or not, no one cares. It just depends on what I'm wearing.
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 749 Member
  • JediMaster_intraining
    JediMaster_intraining Posts: 903 Member
    I signed. Hope this helps.
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    My goodness, where do you live? That would never go over here in Seattle. Good luck to you! Nice job standing up and taking action for what you believe in, BTW.
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member
  • Drenched_N_Motivation
    Drenched_N_Motivation Posts: 1,004 Member
    If your boyfriend wanted to be a cop his "entire life" then he should have known better than to get all tatted up. I'm pretty sure he knew the consequences of getting those tats, right or wrong.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    TL;Decided not to read beforehand -- Tattoos have no effect on a person's work performance, sense of ethics, or character, and my local police department needs to stop discriminating against applicants with tattoos. So would you visit the link down below and sign my petition, please?

    I'm going to try to make this short and briefly share what my petition is about and why I started it in the first place.

    My boyfriend has wanted to be a cop his entire life -- he's the most beautiful person I know, and I know he wants this job because he genuinely wants to help out his community and make it a better place. For his city's police department, he took the agility test and the written test, did an interview/background check with an officer at the department. He qualified in every single way possible, and he was the *only* person to qualify without military experience. However, he can't have the job because he has a tattoo (and a totally inoffensive one at that). Officers already employed with the department are told to cover up their tattoos, but the chief of police here has made it so that applicants with tattoos cannot get the job. County doesn't care about tattoos. The next county doesn't care about tattoos. The next city over doesn't care about tattoos. This is not a regular thing here, and it shouldn't be -- it is discrimination.

    I'll try to stop rambling. Anyway, I need... 956 more signatures, which sounds like a lot, but people have been signing for me pretty quickly, and I truly appreciate it. I would love love love it if you fine people would do the same and sign for me, and even share on your social networking sites, if you don't mind. Thanks so much for your consideration!

    Can't go in on this one. You have to take in consideration of the general public perception when you work in or for the public. That is why a person's LOOKs are very important in some very visible occupations. I am not comfortable with a Cop who has a Neck or Face tatt...even if he/she is great...and remember, you can not discriminate, if visible tatts are acceptable, then they can be any place. Everybody has their comfort zones.
  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    I signed. I work Front Desk at a hotel and I have tats all over... most can be covered up easily, but I've got one on each of my wrists. "Per Policy" we're supposed to cover them up... per me, I say eff them. lol Not one complaint thus far. If your boy is good for the job, they should be ashamed of themselves for overlooking the skill and potential all because of some ink - and inoffensive ones at that! I understand if maybe he had a vagina tattooed on the back of his hand or some *kitten*, but I'm sure that's not the case.

    Anyways... YOU GO GIRL! Get that petition signed and sent over and don't stop until your boy gets the job he's right for!!

    Love and Alohas,
    Ihilani Kapuniai
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    It's acceptable in the UK in the police force. It was changed last year.

    ven though I am quite heavily covered myself though I can see from a professional standpoint why it wouldn't look good. I'm a hair stylist so I work in a fashion industry where it's acceptable. It's great conversation starter for clients too. But when it comes to police and other professional services, it's a thing that is still kinda frown upon and some people even find threatening or offensive, I don't think it is good in that capacity.

    When you decide to get tattooed to the point where it may affect future jobs you just got to accept it, take it on the chin and move on. It's a choice you make and if a workplace ha a rule against it then far enough, look elsewhere.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    What country is it that still allows discrimination?
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Signed. It is not ok for prejudice of this kind to be formally accepted and applied. It suggests that soneone's history, aesthetics or possible offense taken by others should determine their suitability for a job, which is clearly nonsense.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    If a person knowingly puts something on his body,a tattoo or a body piercing, odd colored hair, to stand out, how is it discrimination? That person CHOSE to be different. They were not born that way. I can't have odd colored hair, visible tattoos or facial piercings for my job per dress code. I see no problem in just covering it up while on the job. I hope he gets the job of his dreams but it may have to be in a different county.
  • Luxxmundi
    Luxxmundi Posts: 52
    I think tattoos in the work place depend on each individual tattoo. I have several, all of which are not offensive, and easily covered up. I work as a care assistant and residents I work with (elderly) are actually fascinated by my tattoos and like to me show them off as they enjoy talking about them - I dont think it leave a negative impression of me, or my profession at all.

    I will sign, if his tattoo can be easily covered up and isnt offensive I cannot see the issue with it what so ever.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    If a person knowingly puts something on his body,a tattoo or a body piercing, odd colored hair, to stand out, how is it discrimination? That person CHOSE to be different. They were not born that way. I can't have odd colored hair, visible tattoos or facial piercings for my job per dress code. I see no problem in just covering it up while on the job. I hope he gets the job of his dreams but it may have to be in a different county.

    So if they discriminate against someone that is perfectly able to do the job but they chose to eat too much, that's ok?

    What if the person was maori and it was part of their culture, is it ok to discriminate against them?