Any and all tips are welcome!

Jotell Posts: 139 Member
So, I have been doing a 90 day challenge at my gym. So I joined MFP to keep better track of my calories and exercise. I have been put on by my trainer a 1500 cal diet and an 1 a day workouts for 6 days a week. My workouts vary from one day of cardio to one day of weights. I rarely do the same thing twice a week. I had lost 9pounds, the first 2 weeks I lost 6 of those pounds eating about 1200 calories then started eating the 1500 and it took me 3 weeks to finally lose another 3 pounds.
So here is where my "I Need help!" comes in! :-/ for the last two days I have been eating under the 1500 calorie diet and dropped another 3 pounds. While still doing my exercise. My question is, should I continue to eat less or go back to the 1500 calorie? I'm also going to ask my trainer about this as well. I want to do this right and do what's going to be healthy for me. My diary is open, so you can look and see if there's anything I could do to change my eatings. I know there are a couple of "bad days" but, please don't judge, they're just that, bad days.
Thanks bunches!! <3


  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    So, I have been doing a 90 day challenge at my gym. So I joined MFP to keep better track of my calories and exercise. I have been put on by my trainer a 1500 cal diet and an 1 a day workouts for 6 days a week. My workouts vary from one day of cardio to one day of weights. I rarely do the same thing twice a week. I had lost 9pounds, the first 2 weeks I lost 6 of those pounds eating about 1200 calories then started eating the 1500 and it took me 3 weeks to finally lose another 3 pounds.
    So here is where my "I Need help!" comes in! :-/ for the last two days I have been eating under the 1500 calorie diet and dropped another 3 pounds. While still doing my exercise. My question is, should I continue to eat less or go back to the 1500 calorie? I'm also going to ask my trainer about this as well. I want to do this right and do what's going to be healthy for me. My diary is open, so you can look and see if there's anything I could do to change my eatings. I know there are a couple of "bad days" but, please don't judge, they're just that, bad days.
    Thanks bunches!! <3

    I assume he told you 1500 to ensure you got enough fuel to do your routine properly.

    What is the actual point of the Challenge? to lose weight as quickly as possible, or some fitness/strength target?
  • Jotell
    Jotell Posts: 139 Member
    For me its getting into shape to be able to do the things I'm embarrassed to do but, love doing! I have been trying to lose the baby fat for 2 years but, never had the motivation or the "know-how" to do it. For me, this challenge is a kick start to get me in the right direction :)
  • nikkitodhunter
    Just took a quick glance at your diary and I'd avise you to go into settings and start tracking your sugar intake - it's not just fat and carbs that need to be limited, you'd be amazed how easily you'll be going over your sugar limit on 'healthy' foods!! Sugar is my demon, I'm almost always under on the fat & carbs but over in the sugar section, and it's usually only one small portion of ice-cream, milk, yoghurt or dried fruit that sends me over! I don't know if it'll help you but I'm fairly sure that for me, the flab I'm trying to lose is sugary in origin D': but now I've identified the problem XD
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    My diet philosophy comes from Eat To Live, so I commend you on your veggies and fruits. We need to remember that this is a process. For any of it to stick you need to do what is doable for the long term for you. I know we are all in a hurry in the beginning, but realistically this is something you will want to make into a lifestyle change. Keep that in mind while you try to find your best eating and exercising routine.

    I have come to believe in eating your exercise calories but I am 55, don't have a lot of time and don't do the awesome workouts that most do here. What I have found is that in processed food there is a LOT of junk in it. I have decided to do my best to eat for nutrition meaning whole plants for the most part. Nuts over oils, and whole grains rather than white rice or white pasta, white tortillas, and anything that has been "made" into something for the most part. The processed food that I do allow myself are condiments. Keeping sodium levels in check is really difficult when you eat processed food: deli meats, any cheese, any baked goods such as crackers, tortillas, etc. I also took the long way around to lose 70 pounds. My first ten were a killer to get off just by cutting back on obvious junk foods, too much fat, sugar, and salt. The last 10 following Eat to Live came off in a matter of a few weeks! That was going from 145 to 135. I am 5'5 1/2" tall.

    These are just my own personal thoughts and what has worked for me. I have been an MFP user for over a year and have pieced things together for myself. Not following any one person's opinion until I found Dr. Fuhrman and his Eat to Live book/program. I feel so much better on a whole plant based diet. I believe I get plenty of nutrients in the perfect combination as Mother Nature had intended. I am taking a vitamin supplement, a little extra calcium, vitamin b12, and Vitamin d. I need to add dha as I am aiming to be vegan but that is taking a lot of work. Eating healthy is the way to go for me.

    Good luck to you and there are plenty of people here with great advice. you need to find what works for you!