Help...What am i doing wrong?! D:



  • halliedoll
    halliedoll Posts: 171
    You might be a person who does better on a lower carb diet (less than 100g/day, perhaps few on inactive days). I would research it a little bit, there are many, many different (yet similar [Atkins, Keto, Perricone, Zone, Primal, Paleo]) options and opinions out there. But for now, I would try try swapping out your bread/grains/sugar carbs for straight up veggie carbs.

    Hm, that is helpful. i never thought of that. I will be sure and look into that :]
  • PrayerofAmity
    PrayerofAmity Posts: 176 Member
    Definitely you are not giving your body good quality fuel to work with. You need to step away from all of the processed foods and refined sugars and try eating some good healthy fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Also you don't really seem to be getting a whole lot of food. If you start going to the healthier stuff and eating more often, you'll see the weight come off while you eat a lot more.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    When I did The Shred (well the 2nd time I did it, I had to start it over because a famiy crisis derailed me a week or so) I only lost 5 lbs but I dropped an entire pant size. I wish I had taken measurements.
  • barbaracoffing
    barbaracoffing Posts: 117 Member
    Yep, 3 lbs in 2 weeks is great! Don't eat so little that you are in starvation mode. With that workout you are building muscle mass and need lots of protein:)
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Hey there,
    I just completed day 7 L1 of the 30DS :]
    I do 30 DS in the mornings and I also run 4-6 times a week after work. I drink about 8-14 glasses of water a day and always have a pretty good sized calorie deficit at the end of the day. I've been at this whole "working out and eating better" thing for about 15 days or so and ive only lost 3 or so pounds and then stayed there.

    I've been eating foods pretty high in fiber and/or protein as well as staying away from bad fats and candies/cakes, etc.. So I dont really know where I am going wrong or why im not seing results.

    I definitely want to complete 30 DS but does anyone have any suggestions for starting something new or doing something different right along with my current regime? My diary is open for all to see, so go ahead and throw your suggestions at me.


    Am I reading this wrong? You lost 3 lbs in 15 days, correct? That's 1.5 lbs a week average for those two weeks. A 1-2 lb a week average is solid progress and right where you want to be for losing weight long term and not shocking your body. You're probably going to want to incorporate a weight lifting program to build lean muscle and burn fat faster. Doing primarily cardio you will lose weight, but are burning muscle as well as fat.