i need to ban reading the success stories....



  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Ya'll need to quit your whining :) "Only 13 pounds"..."Only 53 pounds". I dare you to go pick up something that weighs that and carry it around all day. I highly doubt you could do it. If you could it sure wouldn't be comfortable!

    People have got to stop putting a time limit on a weight loss goal. The body doesn't work on a time schedule. Be happy with how successful you have been and how successful you are every day eating healthy, exercising and logging it. :)

    Second this. Keep in mind:

    The slower it comes off the more likely you are too keep it off because it shouldn't be about the end number alone, but developing healthy, lifelong habits - which takes time.

    You may have lost only "X" amount .. but you could have easily gained that amount and probably a lot more in that time frame.

    Don't just use a number to gauge your success... how do you feel????? If you feel fit, if you are active, feel good about yourself, then you are ok. Sometimes I think that some docs get too caught up in numbers too. I am technically still overweight but just last week my doctor told me that I am one of the healthiest, fittest patients he has, more so than a lot of the skinny minnies he sees. Because I am at least trying to eat right (still struggle with that a lot) but I exercise consistently every day.

    Good luck. You will only fail if you give up, then you are doomed to be frustrated forever.
  • JuneBPrice
    JuneBPrice Posts: 294 Member
    Ya'll need to quit your whining :) "Only 13 pounds"..."Only 53 pounds". I dare you to go pick up something that weighs that and carry it around all day. I highly doubt you could do it. If you could it sure wouldn't be comfortable!

    People have got to stop putting a time limit on a weight loss goal. The body doesn't work on a time schedule. Be happy with how successful you have been and how successful you are every day eating healthy, exercising and logging it. :)
    I'm starting college at the end of August, and for the first time in my life I don't want to be the Fat Girl. My body HAS to work on a time schedule...otherwise there's no point in me even doing this.
  • HildeDanmark
    HildeDanmark Posts: 65 Member

    I'm starting college at the end of August, and for the first time in my life I don't want to be the Fat Girl. My body HAS to work on a time schedule...otherwise there's no point in me even doing this.

    I wish it were that easy, but it isn't. I ended up losing the freshman 15 at college the first year (from living on the third floor and no car). Just a tip - avoid the cafeteria and fast food. Cook your own food in your room with a hot pot or toaster oven.

    You can set weight loss goals, but they've got to be reasonable. You know how many times I've seen people aim to lose 2+ pounds a week (myself included) and just fail to meet that goal? Too many to count. Losing weight is about your health, not a number.
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    Patience! You're doing wonderfully. I'd be very proud of all of those 53 pounds.

    You and me both. Two years ago I said I'd lose 100 pounds, now I've only lost 53. That's a failing grade right there. I didn't think this process could take me four freaking years! I wish I could lose as fast as everyone else. :/
  • MrsMangler
    MrsMangler Posts: 63 Member
    I already replied to this, but I was also thinking --during my walk :smile: -- instead of focusing on your weight, try making other goals for yourself. I do not give myself weightloss goals. I make goals for what I CAN control. I have calorie goals and set my macros to 40/40/20 (carbs, protein, fat). I have exercise goals and compete with myself, trying to make myself go faster, get stronger. I figure if I concentrate on this, the weight will eventually follow. And someone already said this above, but the slower you are able to lose and the longer you are able to keep it off, the better you set yourself up for healthy weight maintenance! Good Luck!
  • JuneBPrice
    JuneBPrice Posts: 294 Member

    I'm starting college at the end of August, and for the first time in my life I don't want to be the Fat Girl. My body HAS to work on a time schedule...otherwise there's no point in me even doing this.

    I wish it were that easy, but it isn't. I ended up losing the freshman 15 at college the first year (from living on the third floor and no car). Just a tip - avoid the cafeteria and fast food. Cook your own food in your room with a hot pot or toaster oven.

    You can set weight loss goals, but they've got to be reasonable. You know how many times I've seen people aim to lose 2+ pounds a week (myself included) and just fail to meet that goal? Too many to count. Losing weight is about your health, not a number.
    I'm not living on campus, though honestly the cafeteria probably serves better food than my house does...but thanks for the advice.
  • I feel ya girl! I have a friend on here that is doing great. I went away for a week with family and I gained the few pounds I did lose and +1 more! Talk about depressing. I still have faith though. I know what I need to do and most of that is just being consistent.

    Don't give up! Its a long term change, not a short term. Some of us learn slower then others.... thats all.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    thx again everyone... it's so hard not to expect results like everyone else... i know better.. i have a thyroid issue and knew it was going to be harder to lose the weight to begin with, i figure that was half the reason why i gained so quickly...it is just frustrating to see others not try as hard as i am and lose faster... ya know what i mean! i know the last month i have slowed down on my positive new way and a few bad foods crept back in, i did eat in moderation and only a serving which is better then binging on the item but i don't like that my willpower isn't there to just say NO... but it's all part of just being normal and living.... I have to remember that nmothing is perfect and if i eat something not great it isn't the end of the world and it's not going to stop me from getting to my goal....
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Patience! You're doing wonderfully. I'd be very proud of all of those 53 pounds.

    You and me both. Two years ago I said I'd lose 100 pounds, now I've only lost 53. That's a failing grade right there. I didn't think this process could take me four freaking years! I wish I could lose as fast as everyone else. :/

    I know it's better than not doing anything at all but I'm very deadline driven. I get that from working the school newspaper in high school and college in general. I wouldn't have graduated Cum Laude if I wasn't aware of my deadlines. So to fail my deadlines in my personal goals just makes me angry. I want to be skinny and pretty for a couple years before I end up getting married and having kids, which will make me fat and ruin my body all over again. Almost makes me not want to have kids. Almost. >.<
  • losermomof3
    losermomof3 Posts: 386 Member
    I feel the same way and they won't even share their secrets...thet just keep saying "healthy eating and excersize"!!!!

    I'm happy to help anyone out, but the secret is "healthy eating and exercise".......

    Sorry....I was being sarcastic.