I was wondering if it is just my thoughts

Do you think ur past disappointments cloud ur future decision,
thoughts, and judgement's.


  • Redbird99ky
    Redbird99ky Posts: 305 Member
    Do you think ur past disappointments cloud ur future decision,
    thoughts, and judgement's.

    They can, if I let them. That being said, I try to live in today.

    I do NOT regret my past. It is what brought me to where I am now, and regardless of what I have done, I cannot change it.
    I do NOT close the door on my past, as what were once weaknesses and falls either HAVE become ( or have the POTENTIAL to become ) my greatest strengths and assets.
    I don't worry about tomorrow, for it is not promised to anyone.
    For me, I live in today, and let God guide me in my decisions. That way, I have the greatest peace about every thing I do. It is when I step in and try to do what I THINK is best for me, or someone else, that things go awry.

    So, in answer to your question, I would say No.