whey? a little help

so im just trying to up protien a bit as it seems that i am eating too many carbs all the time although this week I am eating no bread at all and main carbs being new potatoes the rest coming from fruit and veg?
I was going for 40 40 20 but am now thinking 45 35 20 or even 50 30 20 being Carbs prot fat. when i look at my frame now i can see the difference from months ago but my weight seems to have climbed 4-5 lb but my waist measurement has dropped an inch and belly button measurement has dropped an inch also. shoulders feel stronger and bigger especially when i press up and i have been exercising properly since july instead of just eating less. i thought that this couldn'b be muslce gain in that time period as i didn't do a lot during august. its taken a while to get into it.

i just thought that whey seems the way to get more concentrated amounts of protien. could some one just explain A) when do you eat it, ie breakfast, post workout, evenings? B) where do i buy it without looking like a body builder lol. C) what do you make it with. milk, water, juice? i take it its not meal replacement. I'm almost at the size i want to be, the weight will just be the number when i get there


  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    so im just trying to up protien a bit as it seems that i am eating too many carbs all the time although this week I am eating no bread at all and main carbs being new potatoes the rest coming from fruit and veg?
    I was going for 40 40 20 but am now thinking 45 35 20 or even 50 30 20 being Carbs prot fat. when i look at my frame now i can see the difference from months ago but my weight seems to have climbed 4-5 lb but my waist measurement has dropped an inch and belly button measurement has dropped an inch also. shoulders feel stronger and bigger especially when i press up and i have been exercising properly since july instead of just eating less. i thought that this couldn'b be muslce gain in that time period as i didn't do a lot during august. its taken a while to get into it.

    i just thought that whey seems the way to get more concentrated amounts of protien. could some one just explain A) when do you eat it, ie breakfast, post workout, evenings? B) where do i buy it without looking like a body builder lol. C) what do you make it with. milk, water, juice? i take it its not meal replacement. I'm almost at the size i want to be, the weight will just be the number when i get there
    I put whey in smoothies ......i got mine at GNC ..... and you can mix it with anything ... i use vanilla soy milk or 100% juice for my smoothies
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    I get mine at Gnc or from the gym. I drink one right after I work out and one 45-hour before bed.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I just wanted to say your before and after pics are amazing!!! what ever your doing it's working!!!! Also you can find whey at local markets (trader joes, Henry's ) or GNC...
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    @tammiefannie hey thanks very much. its always nice to hear that.
    i will look around. i know the gym sells it down the road but im not a member anymore. in the uk i figured it would be a health food store but i will do my research make sure i buy the right stuff lol.
    so many brands and colourful labels i get lost easily.
    i read something about 70-80% protein per serving being better than 90-100% not sure why but if anyone can back this up i think i will go shopping after work.

    thanks for your help so far
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    I recently started eating a 40-30-30 ratio and found I had to buy protein powder too. Sometimes I get generic unflavored soy protein powder from the bulk bins at my grocery store. Last time I went to Whole Foods and bought their vanilla flavored soy powder (it's in the supplement section). In the UK as you said you may have to do some research. I put mine in my morning smoothie. :smile:

    PS I also found beef jerky makes a great afternoon protein snack.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Look for isolate whey as the 1st ingredient, also check for cholesterol (sp?). some of them are vey high,
    Also check for carbo gram. I use Dymatize Elite - Whey , it has enzyme in there also and it has no sugar. The best protein powder in my book is a mix of whey, cassein (sp?), egg protein.
    I only want to have my protein drink after workout and whey is the best b/c it's the fastest protein to get to my muscle.

    The best postmeal is chocolate milk.
    Best time to take whey protein is after weight lifting workout or high intensity workout otherwise you don't really need it. Since muscle need food after the workout. ratio 1 protein to 2,3 carbo --this protein shake will repair muscle and rep your muscle for the next workout. Real food is always better. protein powder is just convenient and easy way to get your required protein.
    I boiled a whole bunch of eggs and have 2 of them in my pulse so I can't stuck somewhere without good protein.