Too much food

Okay. I know people struggle with calories and Im not trying to upset anyone. I used to always be thin and have eaten the same way my whole life. No diet changes. About four years ago I began to gain weight. I had gotten up to 175 pounds when I decided to try this. So anyway I started the calorie count and was shocked to find that I sas way below where I was suposed to be. So I was thinking that maybe that was why I was so heavy because of this whole starvation mode thing. I've eaten this way for years. As long as I can remember. So I ate a lot more trying to force my way up to the 1200 calories. I feel terrible. I'm forcing myself to eat even though I'm not hungry. I feel bloated and stuffed so activity has become minimal. I feel like all I do is eat. Once I went and got some McDonalds to make calorie even though I dont usually eat that. Today I resorted to ice.cream. And I gained five pounds this week. So my question is this. Has anyone else had this problem and stuck to the 1200 calorie thing. Did you start to feel better and did you start to drop.weight. An estimate on a light at the end of the tunnell so I can have a little hope would help.