4pm-6pm is a challenging time for me.

I am a recovering binge eater, i am ok most of the day but come 4pm to 6pm my urge to binge are really strong, At the moment i'm a SAHM so between these times i've picked the kids up and i start making the pack lunches for the following day and i start preparing for our evening meal and i pick at anything, cakes, bread, crackers.

I am waiting to start my new job and my hours will be 8am-8pm so 3/4 days out of 7 i'll be working and my binge urges i hope won't be on my mind, but the times when i won't be working and i'l be in mum mode i know it will be hard to over come the urge.

Does anyone have any tips or advice for me please ?


  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I think pinpointing your issue is a huge step and you should keep this in mind during this time. LITERALLY talk to yourself and tell yourself that the eating has nothing to do with hunger. You don't need anything you are putting in your mouth during this time and it is sabotaging your efforts. I know this advice isn't going to cure you but I know it helped me as I am an emotional eater. Some days it will work and other days it will not.

    Another good idea would be to have good stuff around to munch on. Crunchy stuff helps me because I feel like I am actually eating something. Carrots, celery, apples....

    good luck :drinker:
  • ltelan
    ltelan Posts: 2
    Whenever I feel like eating something I'll usually just make myself a cup of green tea and get a piece of fruit and by the time I'm done I feel fine.
  • christinechipchase
    christinechipchase Posts: 76 Member
    i have a major problem with this to. I work in a school so i eat breakfast at 8:30 and have my lunch at 12:20. I get into the house about 4:30 with the kids and we don't eat dinner untill 6:00 because that's what time my partner is home. At this time they usually have toast or a bagel. I used to try and eat alot during the morning so i wouldn't ne hungry but that didn't work. I have tried breakfast bars but they don't do the trick either. So at the moment i try to have a banana as a snack mid morning and then save the rest until this time, i usually will have an apple, 2 satumas, and any other fruit that is in, i still find it hard though. or i will have a small sushi snack thats around 200 kcals. I am going to try a couple of boiled eggs but they can be a bit dry.
    good luck with this one if you find any other snacks that might help let me know please xx
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    I really suffer at this time too. Like all day, I am good. From 5pm-7pm, I am like a demon, picking on stuff, food I do not need. It's a terrible habit.

    I collect the kids from the creche and get them their tea. It takes some willpower not to pick at their food also. I make my own food early as at least then I'm not hungry. So I hide myself in the kitchen for 15mins while the kids watch telly so I can quickly get something to eat.