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Looking for fellow stay-at-home moms



  • leejayem
    leejayem Posts: 120 Member
    Hi - I ditto that comment about being "just a single Mum"!!! Single Mums are amazing - I have no idea how you ladies do it. I have a husband who goes off to work & we've been very blessed that his job is secure & pyas well enough to allow me to stay at home with my little ones. I have a 10 yr old, 7 yr old, 4 yr old & 18 month old. Feel free to add me!
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I have been a stay at home mom for the last year in a half, but I'm going back to work in August.

    Feel free to add me.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    hi stay at home moms, I'm not one:-( would love to be, even though i know yawl prolly work a lot harder than i do. My daughter is 11, i'm just a single mom. I was just eavesdropping because the topic was first at the top. I find tht the hardest thing for me on weekends when i am home is to stay out of the kitchen eating when i get a little bored or something. The home workout dvds are great, i don't have much free time myself as i'm sure you ladies don't either so you have to fit it in when you can and be very particular about snacking and eating. Might i suggest a solution, Schedule a time for you to workout just one hour a day when you know you will be able to everyday and do your workout whether it be going to the gym, going outside for a walk or pushing play for a workout dvd. thanks for letting me eavesdrop look forward to doing it more :-)

    Just a single mom?

    Wash your mouth out! I was a single mom for 11 years before I met my husband. Hardest "job" I ever had! You are not *just* a single mom, you are awesome!
  • mrsRhughes
    mrsRhughes Posts: 122
    I'm a stay at home mom, we live in SC. :) Techincally "work at home" since I run my own small eBay business. My daughter is 7 and my son will be 2 in August. I'm a workout / fitness / food / health FREAK and like to think I have found the healthy balance that I will keep the rest of my life!! Add me if you have similar interests, or want motivation! :)
  • MandyZacherl79
    MandyZacherl79 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Jenni, I am a SAHM of a 9yr old boy and 14yr old girl..I worked up til a year ago when we moved and this is 10x harder than working..I went from being at an office all day to being at home surronded by food..I gained about 15lbs back in a year and just now am figuring out how to get my exercises in and how to incorporate healthy eating throughout the day..Feel free to add me if you would like :)
  • KilikiMom
    KilikiMom Posts: 237 Member
    Hello I am a SAHM I am 30 years old...as well I have 4 daughters ages 15 (today! yay happy birthday to her! lol) 11, 9 and 4.
  • Hi All i'm a SAHM to a 16 yo girl and 6 yo boy they keep me on my toes but without exercise and eating right to concentrate on I wouldn't feel like me. Feel free to add me :tongue:
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    I'm 31 and a stay at home mom to 3 ages 12,11 and 7 feel free to add me!

    I find that the summer when the kids are home all day has been the hardest so far,I've been doing pretty good with the snacking I just have to find things to keep myself busy or take walks with the kids if I go a little over my calories.Right now I'm doing Turbo Jam and waiting for the 30 day shred to come in the mail.
  • Welcome Jenni! I am a stay-at-home mom too! I have one daughter who will be two next month. I found myself weighting 274 and I've decided that I really need to kick this weight in the butt. I understand your pain when it comes to being so close to the kitchen/food all day long. What I find that helps me is to plan out what I am eating in the mornings. This way I know exactly how many calories I may or may not have left over (just in case I need a snack). Every evening I take my daughter on a walk. Last night we walked the beach for an hour. It was a lot of fun and we were able to keep cool :) I think tonight were going to walk to the park. I don't know how bad the bugs are where you live, but here in Hampton their pretty bad, so I usually put some bug spray on both of us. If you are weary of using bug spray, you should try out the off clip on's. They are really effective!

    You are more than welcome to add me :) I love seeing everyones success and achievements :D
  • tammyopolin
    tammyopolin Posts: 98 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm a work-at-home mom with four children, ages 2, 6, 8 and 9. I've lost over 150 lbs, but I still have at least 50 that I'd like to lose. I find it difficult to stay out of the kitchen most days, but I've been doing better. Most of my exercise comes from Wii Zumba, 30DS or my elliptical, and I've been pretty good about getting in at least 20-30 minutes a day. I could really use some motivation, though, so if anyone would like to add me, please feel free. Thanks, ladies!
  • Hi everyone

    I'm a part time stay at home mum, I work a Thurs, Fri, Sat now. I know just what you mean about not wanting to deprive the kids but also not eating as regular as they do. I found myself almost having 2 dinners for a while there :embarassed: . But thats all changing now, all the best to you all and add me if you wish, but I must say i'm aiming for a v low cal diet atm
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    I'm a SAHM (well, WAHM, but I work part-time from my computer) of three boys, ages 5, 3, and almost 2. It's definitely tough working in exercise/workouts around the kiddos sometimes, but you'll find something that works for you! I started at 205 lbs and I'm down to low 180's...hoping to get down around 145, but we'll see when I get there. :-)

    I don't find it hard to stay out of the kitchen since I don't like to cook <giggle>, but I DO find I snack less on days that I keep busy. As for exercise, I am fortunate to have an elliptical in my basement, but honestly, I don't use it all that much. I take our golden retriever for a run some mornings (when i can manage to get up early enough) before hubs leaves for work/before the kids are up. I have a Wii with Zumba, Golds Gym Shape Boxing, Just Dance 2, and a Wii Fit+ (which I like for yoga). Really, though, I'd have to say my bread and butter are workout DVDs, specifically Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and Turbo Jam. I like the 30DS (or Ripped in 30 is another good one) because it also makes me do strength training.

    I wait until the littlest one is napping usually, and the older two will either entertain themselves for 30 mins with toys, watch me work out, or work out with me (which is ADORABLE!!). HTH!
  • My name is Brandi! And I am stay at home mom of 3! 2 boys and 1 girl ages 12, 6 and 3. I have learned that it is ok to take time for me and get my workout in before my husband leaves for work in the morning! I workout at Farrell's Extreme Bodyshaping, and have learned that I am a much better mother now that I get to go in and punch and kick the crap out of a heavy bag 3 times a week! I also struggled with food for alot of years. My biggest problem is finding a balance. I tend to have extremes...which has caused alot of body issues. In my 20's I was boderline eating disorder, which of course gets fed by people telling you how great you look when you drop weight! Now I am trying to do things the healty way and find balance! Feel free to add me!
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    Welcome! I'm also a stay at home mom of 3... (5 years, 1 year and 3 months). I have over 50 lbs to lose as a result of my two most recent pregnancies (my boys).. i understand what you mean by wanting to eat all day since we stay at home all the time. I started out slowly. First I got rid of all the junk food in my kitchen because i know if it's there, I will eat it! I've found that my weakness is chips. Anyway, I gradually started eating healthier and then I started counting calories and making exercise a habit everyday. I have no time for the gym either (not only that but I really can't afford it) so I just pop in a workout video everyday and make sure I do that. No gym required! :) I am going to send you a friend request if thats ok!
  • TheOnlyPink
    TheOnlyPink Posts: 4 Member
    I'm a sahm, i'm 26 and i have two boys, almost 5 and 7 months. I also have about 100lbs to lose. Would love for you to add me, i like having friends with similar circumstances and goals!

    Good luck with your journey!
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Heya :) I'm a 27 year old stay at home mom - my boys are 5 and 2. We live in NC :)
    As far as going to the gym, I either go at 6am before my husband goes to work at 7:30 or I'll work out at home (currently hooked on POP Pilates) while the baby takes his afternoon nap. For staying out the kitchen.. I just keep busy. It's easier said than done but once you just stop doing it, you won't think about it anymore. Feel free to add me :)
  • ana3340
    ana3340 Posts: 13
    welcome welcome ... feel free to add me... i'm 23 and a stay at home mom as well . i have two little girls .. 2 & 6 years old .... :smile:
  • kbobb7
    kbobb7 Posts: 6
    Hi there! I'm a 41 y.o. SAHM of 5 kids, 18, 12, 9, 7, 6. I started putting on the weight when I got pregnant with my oldest child 19 yrs. ago. I have steadily put on weight with each pregnancy. I was so preoccupied with taking care of everyone else that along the way, I forgot to take care of myself. As time went on, I got depressed and just didn't care.
    About two weeks ago, my niece introduced me to this website and I have lost 7 lbs already. It is a wonderful site to help you lose the weight "the right way". I have lost weight (20 lbs or so) in the past, but always put it back on. I'm ready now to lose it and keep it off and be healthy so that I can play with my kids and not be embarrassed when we go in public. This forum is a great support system as well. It feels great to know that you are not alone!!! Please feel free to add me. :smile:
  • mrsheavy
    mrsheavy Posts: 33 Member
    Im a SAHM too - in the UK. With a little boy of nearly 18 months... I put on about 4 stone in pregnancy - have lost 2stone of it so far!
  • PrivateVenue
    PrivateVenue Posts: 41 Member

    My name is Jenni, I'm 26, married, and we have 2 awesome kids! Our son is 4 and our daughter is 9 months. I have always been overweight, but 2 pregnancies really did me in and I have found myself at almost 300lbs. As a stay-at-home mom, I find myself with 2 major challenges- being around the kitchen/food all day, and not making time to go to the gym. I hope to "meet" other mamas to hear how you beat those feats!

    I know how that is! Regarding finding time at the gym, I understand you need your 'you' time, but you could incorporate your kids into your routine. I do my own little circuit at home which includes using my three month old as resistance and I bought my four year old one pound dumbbells so she works out with me. Not only are you getting your workout in but you're teaching your kids healthy habits!

    Also, try to premake or premeasure your snacks. Keep fruits and veggies in plain sight, along with measured snacks. Grapes are great because as you're walking by you can take a few and not worry that you're overeating.

    Just take it one pound at a time! It's worth it!