Donating blood and working out



  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    By the way, that puppy is freaking ADORABLE!!!

    Thanks! He is not a pup anymore but I think just as adorable! :happy:
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Thank you all for the advice. I will go by how I feel. I got "rejected" last time because my counts were too low so hopefully that I can donate this time around!
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    Hey Josie,

    I donated blood last Thursday. My # was 154 (you need 125 in Canada to give). I had run that morning and felt great. No problem with the donation.
    I biked the next day and felt really tired and by the end I was dizzy and feeling sick. So much so I had to sit down.
    The next day I tried a run....plan was 14km (about 8.4 miles), but I lagged on time, felt sick to my stomach, was dizzy, felt like I couldn't breath and I got a really bad stitch. Overall felt like crap. I've been running for 5+ years, so that was not the issue.
    I've tried running the past two days and it hasn't been bad..not the best, but not too bad.
    So for me, giving blood while I'm training for a race (one this Sunday and one in less than 3 weeks) was not a good move. Next time I will wait until the races are done.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Hey Josie,

    I donated blood last Thursday. My # was 154 (you need 125 in Canada to give). I had run that morning and felt great. No problem with the donation.
    I biked the next day and felt really tired and by the end I was dizzy and feeling sick. So much so I had to sit down.
    The next day I tried a run....plan was 14km (about 8.4 miles), but I lagged on time, felt sick to my stomach, was dizzy, felt like I couldn't breath and I got a really bad stitch. Overall felt like crap. I've been running for 5+ years, so that was not the issue.
    I've tried running the past two days and it hasn't been bad..not the best, but not too bad.
    So for me, giving blood while I'm training for a race (one this Sunday and one in less than 3 weeks) was not a good move. Next time I will wait until the races are done.

    My half is not until September so that is why I am hoping to be able to donate tomorrow. Probably will do a light workout Wednesday if anything, will see how I feel and then try my 4.5 on Thursday. My long wrong will be 7 on Saturday so hopefully feeling ready to go with that. If not, will cut it short.
  • MNguerita
    MNguerita Posts: 198 Member
    I think they say not to do any strenuous exercise that same day after donating...I gave last week and hit the treadmill at the gym for som fast walking and didn't have any poblems...I woul say Just make sure you are getting plenty of liquids in.