cheat days



  • bradymeans
    bradymeans Posts: 61 Member
    Honestly, I've been on MFP 6 months today and have never had a "cheat day". If its someone's BD, I'm at a BBQ, etc. I log the cake, potato salad, whatever...BUT I have a bite, a spoonful etc. I went to Atlantic City over the weekend and my girlfriend made mini white russian cupcakes for the trip... I had one... and logged it in. Who am I cheating by having a cheat day? ME! That's just my spin on it. Good luck in your journey =)

    I wish I had your outlook on it :)
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    A lot of people do this...I personally do not. If I cheat one day, it tends to slide into another, and another..and it's a damn slippery slope for me.
  • txlissa62
    txlissa62 Posts: 128
    I eat what Im hungry for, in moderation, within my calorie budget - instead of depriving myself until I lose control and eat 4 of said thing. Im not a puppy in training, I dont reward myself with food.

    Rewarding yourself with food is like getting to the last mile of a half marathon and rewarding myself by turning around and running away from the finish line.

    This, exactly. I don't designate cheat days. I eat what I want, in moderation. In reality, the only things I used to have that I don't any more are fast food and sodas. Everything else, I still have, including ice cream, pizza (homemade) and the occasional chip or three. I just budget for it in my daily calorie allotment.

    I'm not going to deprive myself of my favorite things altogether, because that is not something sustainable. Healthy people are able to eat foods they love in moderation, and I'm teaching myself to do that as well.

    As far as special occasions, I allow for those, too. Last Saturday we had plans to go out for dinner with friends for my mother's birthday. We were going to our favorite Thai restaurant. I didn't eat much during the day (just a tomato sandwich for lunch), but at dinner, I ate what I wanted - panang curry with chicken and rice, and fried spring rolls. I still lost .04 pound.

    Now, I don't think this is something I could do every week, because it would probably add up. However, once in a while appears to be okay for me, as long as I stay within my budget the week before, and get right back on track the next day.

    I will never reward myself with food. Emotional eating is what got me in this mess in the first place. I don't want to go there again.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Many here seem to incorporate a cheat day or cheat meal into their diet.
    My trainer recommended I do this, and eat clean the other 6 days of the week, to keep a control on binges and not feel so deprived while maintaining my weight. Whether there are any 'shock to the system' benefits or not, I don't know. I have seen quite a few people suggest there is a spike from the sudden change in calorie/carb intake, but not sure I believe that or not. I shall probably be trying to incorporate a cheat evening a week into my diet, once I have the rest of my days under control and relatively clean.

    Also, it is a matter of whether you have the power to get right back on track the day after, in the face of the hunger that some tend to experience after having a cheat meal/day, and perhaps, additional cravings for more of the same foods. It wont suit everyone. Some are better having no treats at all, and some are better suited to a little each day.
  • terryrh
    terryrh Posts: 25 Member
    I have a cheat day once a week, usually a Saturday, I don't go crazy - in fact I've often just had a cheat meal that could have been a regular days meal

    I've cut out bread all together so a cheat day usually starts with white toast

    I think allowing myself 1 day a week is what makes me able to get through the other 6, some weeks Im thinking about my cheat day on Monday others I could easily do without it, or I save it fr a particularly busy day or a day I have plans with friends
  • mondesa
    mondesa Posts: 61 Member
    Honestly, I've been on MFP 6 months today and have never had a "cheat day". If its someone's BD, I'm at a BBQ, etc. I log the cake, potato salad, whatever...BUT I have a bite, a spoonful etc. I went to Atlantic City over the weekend and my girlfriend made mini white russian cupcakes for the trip... I had one... and logged it in. Who am I cheating by having a cheat day? ME! That's just my spin on it. Good luck in your journey =)
    This is so true. I am 5 months into my journey and this weekend my son (who recently moved out) was home for dinner so I ate fried cheicken and had pasta (I am doing atkins) So this is a super no no. But i had very small portions and drank tons of water I stayed below my calorie goal but still felt horrible for cheating on myself.
    It doesn't matter how I feel about them because they happen anyway.

    Completely the truth. I just try to keep things in moderation and try not to be too hard on myself. I have lost a little over 20 lbs in four months and there have been PLENTY of cheat meals/days in there!!!
  • Mrsbrandnewmeslimandtrim