mfp v enendomondo

Did a walk today - mfp estimated 130 calories burned where as endomondo (which tracked the entire walk) estimated 186 calories. Would endomondo be more accurate as it has the altitude etc of the walk I did? I presume it would, but wanted to check as 56 cals is a big difference if I'm wrong!!



  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Eh 56 calories isn't that big of a deal( seriously, it's about the equivalent of a piece of string cheese or half a cup of milk).

    I use Endmondo too and when I did my run the other day Endmondo and my HRM were with in like 5 calories of one another. So it may be ok or it may not be... but be assured that 186 extra calories won't break the bank as it takes 3500 to lose/gain a pound.
  • VictoriaJayne2012
    VictoriaJayne2012 Posts: 7 Member
    56 cals is an extra cup of coffee! Every little helps! Lol.

    I'll stick with endomondo's calculations then.....just because it's more and makes me feel better!