Hopefully the last time...

Hello I'm Mike. I've been perpetually dieting for most of my adult life. This is my second attempt at it through MFP and it's the first time I have reached out to other people using this site. My problem is threefold -- Snacking late, beer (I'm a bit of beer snob/enthusiast), and dining out (a foodie too). With a laundry list of health issues in my family and both parents battling diabetes and high blood pressure, I think it's time to do this once and for all. Took up running last year in an attempt to force myself to exercise. It worked -- last year I signed up for a 15k and trained for 4 months and finished the race at 1:44. This year I'm doing a half marathon in the fall. The problem is that at 275lbs, my knees won't hold up for long...

So here is to my umpteenth attempt -- this time I hope my last. If anyone knows of any other groups for friends to add to my support group, please let me know.



  • Lindaendall
    Lindaendall Posts: 177 Member
    Hi mike

    Hello from another perpetual dieter. I am a 60 year old great-grandmother who has finally found the answer.....MFP. I have never found dieting so much fun and have a fantastic group of extremely supportive friends. I am very near my second target weight which I think will be my 'settling' weight, but I know I will stay with MFP and my friends to continue to support them and for them to ensure that I maintain my weight.

    MFP is good - but on it's own it is not enough - you are doing the right thing by reaching out for friends - feel free to add me :flowerforyou:

    Linda (UK)
  • MrsPodaski
    MrsPodaski Posts: 34
    This is probably not the response you were hoping for but I want to be really honest. I just had my second knee replacement 3 weeks ago. The first was done in April. It is so painful to go through this, that it should be a detourant for anyone who needs motivation to lose weight . I started MFP 9 months prior to my first surgery and lost 50 pounds on it. I began swimming 3 x week to strengthen my legs in preparation. It is so ....much to go through. Please heed my advice, don't wait to lose weight until your knees are hurting so badly that you are forced into replacement surgery. Keep your weight down and exercise 30 min just 3 times a week and I really think you can avoid the whole nightmare. Hope that helps someone out there.. I am a foodie too (big surprise, right?) I just bought a farmshare and now focus my meals on whatever fruits and veggies I get in my weekly share, plus grill lean chicken or pork. I have a burger maybe once a month. I've switched to whole wheat pasta, but still keep it no more than once a week. and always order a salad and veggie as my sides, when I eat out. That's it in a nutshell. It works, if you just decide your done screwing around with being overweight and just focus on really being where you want be with it. There are very few things in life that we have total control over, but what foods we put in our own mouths is one of the few things we DO have control over. Try and focus on what you CAN do and not on what limitations you have. That's what is getting me through all this. I hope it helps you. Good Luck
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    Hi, Mike,

    Feel free to friend me, too. I'm a 53-year-old perpetual dieter who is fed up with dieting. I've been on MFP for a few months now and have lost 12 pounds (I'm almost to my driver's license weight!), so I'm pretty happy with this site.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    Feel free to add me. Definitely want to lose weight first then try to run. Walking will help, maybe add a weighted pack or weight vest to boost the effect. I tried to run when I was fat and got a stress fracture. You can easily make your goal of a half this fall. There are many plans out there to help you with this as well as much assistance in the posts, groups, and blogs here. As for diet, you can eat late, I had 600 cals, a little much I know, just before bed last night, as long as you are active and are within you cals for the day, I have seen people drink daily and still lose with proper exercise, and I eat out once a week, maybe twice. You can still have and eat what you want just in moderation and with exercise. good luck.