new exercise & weight gain

OTchic Posts: 205 Member
So I have gotten more fit and can workout harder thus I decided to up my HIIT routine a bit to burn some more calories and work harder.

I bumped my HIIT workout of walking 3.2mph and 2.5 incline to walking 3.2mph and 4.0 incline. Then my running went from 5.5mph to 6mph. I have been doing this for a week is it normal or even believeable that i am slowly "gaining weight"?. i know i have not eaten 3500 calories to be gaining a pound so I am not worried or freaking out I gained a pound.

I do though just want some reassurance and ask if "gaining weight" from a new exercise (hardily consider it "new") could happen this quickly in just one week ? I don't think the difference I made was a big deal or maybe it is because I am starting to sweat like crazy again.

I appreciate all the thoughtful and HELPFUL comments.


  • OTchic
    OTchic Posts: 205 Member
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    This happens to me when I exercise or increase my level of exercise. It's just water weight. Nothing to worry about. Unless, of course, your exercise has made you ravenous and you're chowing down on an extra dinner everyday or something!
  • darciecoles
    You're probably putting on more muscle. With cardio exercise, even though your focus isn't on building muscle like resistance training is, you're still working specific muscle groups and therefore building muscle. Additionally, muscle weighs more than fat does, so you will gain "weight." The benefit of muscle weight is that the more muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn at rest, so it's a good gain. If you're concerned, invest in a scale that does a break down of your body mass--they aren't super expensive, you can get Weight Watchers' version at Wal-Mart for around 20-30$$.
  • michaelsgirl1210
    michaelsgirl1210 Posts: 37 Member
    When you raise the incline, it works your calves more. Personally, my calves retain fluid like crazy when I increase my incline. Once they adjust though, you'll drop the fluid and probably lose fat. It can take 2 weeks though. Soaking in a bath with 2 cups of epsom salt can help take the fluid off.
  • OTchic
    OTchic Posts: 205 Member
    thanks all! i know its not real weight as i am not eating more.

    darcie ill look into buying another scale that will show my body mass i think that would be good caz the scale i have doesnt have any features.

    michaelsgirl i wonder if my calves retain a lot of fluid too ... hmmm but ill definitely keep up with what i'm doing and see what happens in 2 weeks. i imagine ill see a big drop (2lbs) would be a lot for me in 2 wks!