What should I put on my grocery list?

So far I have oranges and water... I'm at my grandparents house now and we have cereal, milk, and veggie bacon and I'm sure I should be eating more but I can't think of anything at the moment. I'm a vegetarian if that helps, what else should I add?


  • idnac17
    idnac17 Posts: 7 Member
    How about Tons of fresh fruit, yogurt, popcorn...
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    I tried looking at my diary, then I released that every meal contains meat lol.

    I would suggest Greek Yogurt, Cottage Cheese, Eggs, Fruit, Nuts, Wholewheat Bread or Wraps, Meat Free "Meat" Products (if your into that).

    I can't really think of anything else.
  • kiddoc88
    kiddoc88 Posts: 244 Member
    dairy-eggs, yogurt, milk (I love almond or 1%)
    -plenty of fresh fruits and veggies ( I love carrots and hummus for snacking)
    -other snacks- kind bars, applesauce
    -morningstar makes great easy veggie products
    -tofu ( and sauces /spices to flavor it)
    -grains like quinoa , couscous, wheat bread, brown rice,
    - oatmeal and low sugar granola for breakfast- great with the fruit)

    go for low sodium, fat and sugar items.