Cal Goals; From Normal Daily Activity-1,960 calories/day

I'm so confused, aside from exercise goals i'm supposed to burn 1960 calls from normal daily activity. How?!?! I have a very sedentary life i just exercise twice a day for a total of 90 mins. Does anyone know how many cals i burn generally just sitting down most of the day etc? help!:grumble: :grumble:


  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I'm so confused, aside from exercise goals i'm supposed to burn 1960 calls from normal daily activity. How?!?! I have a very sedentary life i just exercise twice a day for a total of 90 mins. Does anyone know how many cals i burn generally just sitting down most of the day etc? help!:grumble: :grumble:

    if that is from MFP's settings, that is what it thinks you burn through the day from normal activity. so you don't need to do anything.