unable to run!



  • amruden
    amruden Posts: 228 Member
    I just started C25K..
    I downloaded the free off name version for my Android phone. called "Simple C25K"

    I have done one day.
    Then the heat struck. Not dedicated enough to run int 100 degree temps!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Whenever I try to run on a treadmill i get to about 2 minutes max before i have to stop. the last time i jogged outdoors I got shin splints after only 20 minutes. Yet with hiking, I can go all day, easily doing 12-14 miles. So why cant i run? Any tips?

    Most people, starting out, can only run a minute or two, consecutively. You need to run intervals, and build up. If you're trying to run 20 minutes out of the box, you're going to get shin splints and other injuries.
  • likeschocolate
    likeschocolate Posts: 368 Member
    Whenever I try to run on a treadmill i get to about 2 minutes max before i have to stop. the last time i jogged outdoors I got shin splints after only 20 minutes. Yet with hiking, I can go all day, easily doing 12-14 miles. So why cant i run? Any tips?

    Most people, starting out, can only run a minute or two, consecutively. You need to run intervals, and build up. If you're trying to run 20 minutes out of the box, you're going to get shin splints and other injuries.

    Very good point.

    Also to echo what others have posted -- a good pair of shoes for running (fitted at an athletic shoe store) helped reduce my knee pain while running.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Are you starting out too fast?? Do you have a good pair of running shoes? Are you in generally good physical shape?? Trying a program like C25K will get your running. I also do a pre and post run yoga routine that I have on my iphone.

    What app on your iPhone is that ?

    for the iphone it is C25K Free
  • ribye
    ribye Posts: 59 Member
    Make sure your stretching good, proper shoes, depending on the issues sometimes you can buid up to a longer time going slow, ie increase a max of 10% per week. I know it seems odd to run 3 minutes one time 3.20 next time. considering its such a short time I would tend to wonder if its shoes or perhaps your form needs work
  • Iguana67
    Iguana67 Posts: 8
    In my younger days (sigh) I was a runner. When I started to run I suffered from shin splints as well as some muscle inflamation around the ankle. Yet I could hike pain free for miles and miles, even climbing some mountains. I have always been big, playing football etc and thought I needed extra cushioning in my shoes. Wrong!! What I needed was a more stable shoe, which at the time meant a stiffer, less cushiony shoe. I also ran with flexible shoes. Wrong again. Why? After visiting a podiatrist who was a runner it was determined I was an over pronator and running on flexible, cushiony shoes just exasperated the problem, hence the severe shin splints. After I was fitted for orthotics and switched to the proper running shoe, the problem went away. I ran a marathon shortly after.

    I'm not trying to diagnose your problem, I simply saying invest the time (money) to get an accurate assessment of your foot type. Then find the shoes/inserts which support your foot type. I'm trying to lose 12 years of sedentary living and once my fitness level will support running, I'm going to do the same thing....again.

    This sounds like a great idea - is there anyone who is UK based who can reccommend where to go? I dont know of any specialist shops Thanks.
  • lissetmba
    lissetmba Posts: 13 Member
    I have the same problem with running. I went and did get fitted for shoes that cost me an arm and a leg. The shin splints were a little better (not gone) but then I was also getting Plantar fasciitis which was even more excruciatingly painful than the splints.

    So I switched to indoor cycling/spinning and it has been awesome! I'm able to burn twice the amount of calories from running anyway and I enjoy it more. Plus it doesn't hurt any part of my body (except I had to get used to the seat for the first few rides!)

    I highly recommend looking into a spinning studio near your area. I don't like the gyms because they're not specialists in spinning and so you get a lot of generic aerobics instructors that think they can just start doing spinning.... not what you want. Get a REAL spinning studio and you'll not have the pain and see amazing results.

    I finally started listening to my body and realized that I'll never be a runner, but that doesn't mean I have to give up on my fitness goals!! :-) Seems we're much more stubborn than our bodies are!

    Hope that helps!
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    I have the same problem with running. I went and did get fitted for shoes that cost me an arm and a leg. The shin splints were a little better (not gone) but then I was also getting Plantar fasciitis which was even more excruciatingly painful than the splints.

    Both of these are over use injuries. They happen when we ask our body to do something that, physically, it is not prepared to do. That's why many people have success with the C25K program. It prevents new runners from become overzealous and injuring themselves. The aerobic fitness increases at a faster rate than the muscles, ligaments and tendons adapt to the added stress of running. So, it's not uncommon to feel you like you can go further and/or faster, but when you do, you end up injured.