I am sad.

samantha115 Posts: 371
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So yesterday I went to a fitness orintation at my gym. So I went in knowing that I am fat. Litereally speaking. So with all the numbers that were thrown at me yesterday i have 33% body fat and 146.7 lean muscle something. So ifI wanted to go all Lindsey Lohan and be scary skinny I could only really be 150. I know that its the way my bone structure is. and the way my mucles are. stupid long legs. but I should really have a starting weight goal of 180. Which is great thats like what i want to weight for my birthday. but I wanted to be able to contine t lose. The guy said that a realistic goal really should be like 160. Which I dont think is that bad Honestly I would love to weigh 160. I know that its just a number and I may end up looking like a freaking bombshelll but is it so bad to really want to have a lower number? Ho Hum. Thank you for listening to me whine.

To end on a positive note. I guess I really dont have that much further to go to real my first realistic goal. :smile:


  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Don't be sad. I've never been a low number... even though I've been thin most of my life. It bothered me when I was younger, but not so much anymore. People generally can't believe I weigh as much as I do... lol. Oh well.

    You'll look fabulous. It's just a number.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    160 would leave you with about 8% body fat. FAR too low for an adult female.

    170 lbs would be about 13.5% which is about the minimum you can get away with without becoming dangerous. Believe me, if you were 13.5% body fat, you'd be very very thin. Absolutely no need to go below that.
  • I know that its just a number and I may end up looking like a freaking bombshelll but is it so bad to really want to have a lower number?

    I would love to look like a freaking bombshell!!! Is that bad??? Ahhh, what I wouldn't give for "stupid long legs" instead of my short, little ones but, what can you do? Just have to work with what I was born with.

    Anyways....don't worry too much about it...just go with what's healthy for you.
  • i'm in the same boat...i won't ever be a size 5 but i will be a healthy size ten or twelve one day...every 'body' is different:heart:
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Aw.. Don't worry. I will never weigh under 150 probably. I would most likely look sickly if I did. Just to use me as an example... I used to weigh about 175, and I was smaller than a lot of girls that weighed 145! It's just my build and I have a lot of muscle... some people are built like that. But the cool thing is that (if you're like me and it sounds like you are in that sense) NOONE ever guesses my weight correctly. They always think I weigh less than I do, which is cool. I'd hate to weigh 125 and people assume I weighed 20 pounds more, ya know? But like you said, it's just a number!
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