What are your 3 must haves??

What are your top three tips or can't live with outs to help you stay on track with diet/exercise or both? I'd love it hear it!

I can't live without my salad spinner! No more soggy salads! After a few spins in that thing, perfect crisp lettuce! YUMMY!

My 24oz Camelbak water bottle. I take that thing with me everywhere and fill it up all day long. And because it has a straw, I don't spill it & it's easier to suck down the H2o.

And third is my heart rate monitor. I LOVE seeing the calories burned up by a good workout..it pushes me that much harder to beat the numbers on the next workout!!


  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    A body of water, a bike, and some running shoes.
  • AiimeeDee
    AiimeeDee Posts: 116 Member
    I need a bike! A good one. Once summer is done, on my list!! :)