Why do I keep losing weight?! HELP!



  • missgx3
    missgx3 Posts: 10
    I'd also love if someone could help me understand, and this may sound stupid but, where is the food going ?! I'm not getting fatter or losing any muscle, it literally seems to be evaporation into thin air! I'm completely lost!
  • job187
    job187 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm not an expert but isn't it very dangerous to abruptly starting to eat alot after being starved for an extended period of time?
    As far as I know there's been examples of this from history – the US liberation of geman concentration camps – where malnourished people died from consuming too much of the food that was supplied by the soldiers.

    I'd echo the sentiment to go see a doctor as soon as possible but you should also consider not to shock your system by spiking your diet by several thousands of kcal. I mean you might need to eat 5000 kcal if you were twice as big, lifted weight 6-7 times a week and were injecting testosterone.