Cheat meals/ Holidays.

Ok so for the past month and a half or so I've been really good with my diet, I think the only bad things I've had are a couple of pieces of chocolate, always under 150 cals on two or three occasions and a forkful of cake at a birthday party. Most of my eating has been pretty "clean", sometimes granola that contains a little sugar and whatnot but that's about it.
I'm going on holidays soon so my clean eating is gonna suffer! I also won't be working out that much, hopefully I'll squeeze in a few squats and abs here and there.
I'm trying to decide if I should start introducing "bad" foods back into my diet. Of course it'd be controlled and every calorie would be accounted for in my journal but I'm just thinking that my body could be like hey wtf when I reintroduce it to all these things again and overreact. Or would it be better to just tighten my diet and lose as much weight as I can to even out what i'll probably gain during the holidays?
Any advice is appreciated!


  • iamihobo
    iamihobo Posts: 232 Member
    I have decided that counting calories is not a "diet" for me, it's the New way I will permanently eat for the rest of my life.
    So I don't tell myself I Can't have something.
    What I do have to do is regulate that amount of a sweet food (the amount of sugar that goes in my coffee, or the amount of cake I eat, chocolate, ice cream etc)
    But what it does mean is I'm using my calories for that.
    Which I think goes for almost any meal. I can make a sandwich, rice crisps, apple rice crisps, a pickle, and soup for the same amount of calories that a fast food hamburger and soda is.
    So you just make the choices so using calories in a good way that will benefit you.

    So do I really want one piece of chocolate? Or do I want a whole bowl of (naturally sweet) fruit with maybe a tablespoon of whip cream?
  • forgetregret
    forgetregret Posts: 66 Member
    It's kinda hard to stay on top of your calories when you're out though. At home I can weigh most things and other things I can estimate pretty well but when you're out it's like asdfjnkasjdnfkjasdf whaaaatttt?! I guess I can just try to guesstimate based on what I find online and try to keep it under control.
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    I don't really have any medical backing for this but my advice would be to work out as you are and then when you go on holiday just watch what you eat as best you can. Take a nice stroll and tour the place you're going on holiday. Relax. Have fun! Indulge whenever you want within moderation! Have a great time!!!!!
  • iamihobo
    iamihobo Posts: 232 Member
    I know when I go out and I'm in doubt, I just over count it you know? I'll do a little more than I think it is just so that even though it is a bit over in the numbers, I know I didn't actually eat that.
    I agree with raeleek I would just try to find ways to still burn calories while you're out :)
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i'm having a cheat week. (normally i do cheat days once a month)