No change after 1 month

My measurements have not changed after a month of working out and eating right.



  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    It doesn't look like you have a lot to lose. How many pounds a week do you have your loss set to? If you are exercising a lot and not eating enough, your body may be reluctant to let go of weight. You haven't given us much info to go with, perhaps more details would help people give you advice?
  • everet36
    everet36 Posts: 39
    5'5" 129lbs. trying to drop body fat. :-/
  • Dhemeyer
    Dhemeyer Posts: 157 Member
    Try setting your macro nutrients to 50% protein/30%carbs/20% fat. That certainly helped me drop the fat quick. But don't stay in this range for more than a month. WIth so few carbs you risk running really low on energy if you stick to the 50/30/20 for more than 30 days. You might also consider upping your resistance/weight training in addition to any cardio conditioning you're doing. The more muscle you have the more efficiently your body will burn fat :)

    Good luck and best wishes!