Please stop staring at me...



  • gussie1026
    gussie1026 Posts: 20 Member
    DONT ASSUME THE NEGATIVE!! (we all do, it's human nature, I think.) I'll bet they are say "WOW, Look at KMMM!!" Has she lost weight or what??" They are all trying to figure out what you've done and they don't know you well enough to just come up to you and as. Just smile smuggly!! YOU KNOW A SECRET!! I didn't buy any new clothes until I hit the 40 mark, and then people started giving me clothes, plus I hit Goodwill and other thrift stores. It's amazing what you can get there, but you might have to go regularly to catch the good stuff. Up to that point I was wearing a string around my waist to hold my pants up! (Under my shirt of course!)
    YOU GO, GIRL!!
  • Jalare
    Jalare Posts: 103
    I've gone from size 24 to 16 so far. I love to shop so I use online sites that have really good clearance sales and Goodwill has become a favorite. I think feeling good in your own skin starts with feeling good in your clothes.
  • littlelaurie14
    littlelaurie14 Posts: 224 Member
    I almost guarantee they're all pointing and staring thinking "Wow, she's lost weight, hasn't she?" rather than "Oh emm geee, she needs a new wardrobe" lol.. Be proud! And good to hear you're gunna get some better fitting clothes, even though at the rate you're going, you'll probably be out of them soon (yay thrift stores/yardales!)
    Congrats on those 40!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    goodwill people! dollar days are thursdays! It takes a while to get used to shopping there(I have some snobby friends that wont go with me) and you have to have time to do it cuz you have to weed thru a lot of crap. but, most of my clothes are from there, except jeans and undergarments of course! but my costumes only cost two bucks! most of my cute clothes that people compliment me on now are from goodwill. go on a thursday and you can get a few outfits for less than ten bucks if it is bothering you. i say it is worth it, 40 lbs is a huge loss! congratulations!
  • vladamisa
    vladamisa Posts: 72 Member
    yea go to goodwill or savers whichever you have or both they have good priced clothes and sales alot i buy materials for costumes there and occasionally a new dress it will make u feel tons bettter knowing your new size also you may pick up something to small just to have that as a goal to fit into if its about 20% cooler ;)
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    It seems odd that they would just stare but not say anything.

    These aren't people who know me... they are just other students.

    Even so, you would think with all the staring they do, at least one would have the guts to walk up all friendly like and say, "Hey, you've lost a lot of weight, haven't you? You look great!" Or "How did you do it?"

    But people are pretty weird like that, I guess. No one around here keeps their eyes to themselves and not many will say anything either, come to think of it. Got a bunch of starers in the deep south. :laugh:
  • nicholettebell
    Haha! Been there, done that. I personally cannot shop at thrift stores because I have this "thing" in which I cannot bring myself to wear something that belonged to someone I don't know. However, I am broke ALL THE TIME because I can't get over that aversion to pre worn clothing. I hit the clearance aisles everywhere. So if you can do the thrift store, do it! Way to go on your loss so far!
  • kenmunson333
    kenmunson333 Posts: 51 Member
    When I started seriously losing weight I was kind of disappointed that no one at my office seemed to notice. There I was, losing weight as fast as I could, clothes getting looser and looser, having to buy new wardrobes every 2 or 3 months and no one seemed notice or even care. Many months into my journey, I finally found out they'd all been talking, just not to me! Everyone assumed I was sick and they were only asking my boss what was going, was it cancer, etc? LOL. Thankfully, he just assured them i was ok and told them if they really needed to know they should ask me.
  • knk121
    knk121 Posts: 26
    Wrap dresses are amazing for this. I'll reiterate the above poster who said that dresses are great. I'm about a size 12 right now but I still can wear a size 6 dress that I got in skinnier days. They're magical that way.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    Consignment shops and goodwill :)
  • crabbyvirgo
    Just hold your head up and walk with self pride. You deserve it and should be proud of your self! Maybe you should go ahead and invest in a small transitional wardrobe to really boost your confidence. I doubt anyone is making fun of you. Just... noticing. People generally respect people who lose weight and are critical of those who don't . It's unfortunate, but true.
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    Okay, so I've lost almost 40 pounds, and it's pretty freakin' noticeable. Apparently. I say this because people at my college constantly stare at me and point in my direction, and this has not happened before. I don't have boogers in my nose, or a bad hair day... I have a problem with not fitting into my own clothes any more.

    Has anyone else had this problem- where you are at a transitional weight, trying to wait until your clothes fall off before investing in clothes you hope you will be too big for in a few months?

    Maybe I'm just super self-conscious (who isn't?) and mis-reading their actions, but I've never had this issue. I feel like a bad joke.

    Does anyone know any way to make it through this crappy middle-point?

    Listen, with your 40LB loss it is a nice problem to have. :) It happen to me too. I work from home, so I wear more sweats and t's than business clothes. The other day I had to take a trip to the office for the first time in 5 months, so not thinking grabbed all my 38 size pants and all my X-Large dress shirts and took off. I looked like a scarecrow entire week. But did I give a S..t? Nope. May be it's a guy thing. I did however, went and got couple of 32 size jeans and Large t-shirts. just to get me through the summer. After I achieve my goal, I will go and spend that AX gift certificate that my kids got me for my Father's day present. :)
  • sandrahermione
    I sell old and buy new on eBay. Feels like I am not going back there because I have nothing to wear.
  • gussie1026
    gussie1026 Posts: 20 Member
    LOVE YOUR PIC!! You've lost a LOT of weight. You give the rest of us HOPE!!
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    Goodwill and elastic waist skirts! I'm a size 4 but can wear some of my sister's size 16 skirts. They're a little loose but they stay on and look kind of cool and boho.
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    Ebay and Consignment should be able to get some nice pieces that won't break the bank. I've found that dresses "transition" better than pants. You can always belt dresses or blouses/tees for a slimming/hourglass look.
    This. And depending on your area, Goodwill and thrift stores. You can often find brand names. You could get a transitional wardrobe for very little $$.