Can this be done?

leighoconnell Posts: 217
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I am moving to Salt Lake City on October 24th to rejoin my fiance whom I haven't seen in 4 months. He's been going through the police academy. It's my goal to weigh 190 by the time I move (would make me a size 11 :love: ) I currently weigh 205 lbs (I'm 5'9" btw). Over the past 3 months I've already lost 18 lbs. Is it a reasonable goal to lose 15 lbs in 7 weeks? Can it be done? Anyone got in good weight loss tips? I'm already eating healthy and 1200 calories...can't excerise right now though because of medical issues.


  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    I would go for it in a healthy way. If it happens then great. When I look back at all the times I wanted to look good, then lost my health with MS. I now know that joy of being able to walk and enjoy life as I am. Be blessed, kc
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    i think it could be done if u ate really healthy good quality foods and exercised regularly....thats about 2 lbs a week which is what they say is bordeline....but at the same time if it doesnt all come off within 7weeks dont get down on urself...because eventually it will :flowerforyou:
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I think it is a realistic goal since it would be about 2 pounds a week.. BUT since you are trying to lose what is almost considered the "maximum" you can lose per week safely, remember to not be hard on youself if you don't lose that much that fast... Just try for it but think of it as a bonus, too. I'm trying to lose 10 more pounds before my birthday (Oct. 3). That will put me right at 200.. It would take over 2 pounds a week for a loss like that! But I'm just going to try my hardest and hope for the best. Good luck to you! :happy:
  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    I think it is possible. I have been losing 2 pounds a week. I was wondering how you determined what size you would be at 190? I guess that was the size you were when you weighed the same amount before?
  • I just wanted to let you know that we were about the same size. I'm 5'9" and started at 224. I think you can get really close to 190! I'm at about 193 right now and almost in a size 12 so you may get to an 11 before 190 depending on your body shape. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • I think it is possible. I have been losing 2 pounds a week. I was wondering how you determined what size you would be at 190? I guess that was the size you were when you weighed the same amount before?

    yes, that was my heaviest weight in high school about 4 years ago.
  • I just wanted to let you know that we were about the same size. I'm 5'9" and started at 224. I think you can get really close to 190! I'm at about 193 right now and almost in a size 12 so you may get to an 11 before 190 depending on your body shape. Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    Wow I started at 223! How long have you been working at it? I lose 10 lbs then platuea for a month then lose again. Its frustrating.
  • I just wanted to let you know that we were about the same size. I'm 5'9" and started at 224. I think you can get really close to 190! I'm at about 193 right now and almost in a size 12 so you may get to an 11 before 190 depending on your body shape. Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    Wow I started at 223! How long have you been working at it? I lose 10 lbs then platuea for a month then lose again. Its frustrating.

    And to be techincal I'm actually 5'9.75"
  • I just wanted to let you know that we were about the same size. I'm 5'9" and started at 224. I think you can get really close to 190! I'm at about 193 right now and almost in a size 12 so you may get to an 11 before 190 depending on your body shape. Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    Wow I started at 223! How long have you been working at it? I lose 10 lbs then platuea for a month then lose again. Its frustrating.

    And to be techincal I'm actually 5'9.75"

    haha I thought I was 5'10" for years but my boyfriend recently measured me and told me i'm not quite 5'10" I was crushed!!! I actually just started admitting that I'm 5'9" :blushing:

    I started in January-ish. I always go shopping with my 5'11" 150lb sister for clothes at Christmas and I always get so upset that I try to crash diet and that never works I always end up bigger and more miserable than before. So last year I decided to just take it one pound a week and by this Christmas I'd be down 52 lbs so it's been slow going. However, I don't exercise I just watch what I eat so it's been pretty slow (in my mind). I do the same thing as you though I lose about 10 lbs then bounce back and forth between 2lbs for a few weeks then lose again. Maybe if I would exercise???

    I'm really hoping to be down to 172 by Christmas. My major motivation is to fit into express jeans by our shopping day :bigsmile:
  • Ya. I got a sister who is 5'8 and 120 lbs. I hate shopping with her. My motivation is my upcoming wedding and the fact I'm going wedding dress shopping in October. I want to be 165 lbs
    (my goal weighy) before Christmas. I was that weight my freshman year in college and I love how my body looked. Never felt more confident or sexy. As soon as I am off my crutches I'm gonna start taking my dogs for walks as exercise. I'm not a gym kinda girl, can never stick with it for long, prefer walking or playing tennis. My second motivation is that my fiance just dropped 50 lbs and has an 8 pack going I wanna look good standing next to him instead of frumpy
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