Don't really know who to ask this question to...



  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I am not saying that it cannot work, but for someone to say that weighted crunches, or crunches in general cant work sounds wrong in many ways.

    Dude, you might need a broscience warning on your posts if you keep up this stellar level of advice.

    Just FYI, having visible abdominal muscles is almost entirely a result of body fat (ie primarily diet controlled). As for strengthening, working your abs is like any other muscle. Let me give you an example:

    2 guys start at the gym, one does 200 unweighted squats each session for 2 months. The other works with a loaded bar on his shoulders and slowly increases the weight over time to keep his muscles under pressure, all the while only doing 3 sets of 10. Who do you think is going to be stronger and develop more muscle in that two month period. Seems obvious right?

    Well the same applies to abs. Growing the muscle is best done with more strenuous exercises that emphasise growth. This is better achieved through keeping the body under tension with smaller sessions of heavier weights than blasting through hundreds of crunches.

    Hope that made sense to you.

    PS, I was going to give some advice to the OP specifically, but she's already deleted her account :huh:

    Oh, he defiinitely could use the broscience warning on his posts, not just here but in multiple threads!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    As far as the whole dead lifting for abs thing goes, I have checked out the site and from what I can see, is sounds no different than any other program to try and get you fit. I do not see any actual proof other than them saying it works and "testimonials" just like every other site.

    <-- I only work abs in isolation 1 day/week for 10 minutes. It really comes down to BF%, ab work will not give you a 6 pack. You will strengthen your core doing compound lifts with heavy weights.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    You don't seem to have much fat around your midsection, so If i were you I'd just start an ab routine...Give the Jillian Michaels 6 Week 6 Pack a try!
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 802 Member
    PS, I was going to give some advice to the OP specifically, but she's already deleted her account :huh:

    just wanted to bring this to attention ..
  • nola70115
    nola70115 Posts: 3 Member
    Honey, you look great. There's nothing wrong with strengthening your core muscles for fitness' sake, but don't feel like you have to for your appearance. It's perfect already.

    Something my ob/gyn once told me - you might ask your own MD - is that some women have uteruses (uteri?) that tilt forwards, while others' tilt backwards. If you have a forward tilting uterus, it's just about impossible to get a six-pack on your lower abdomen. Other individual differences in skeletal structure and body type also effect the relative likelihood of having visibly defined abs regardles of strength or body fat ratio. Again, it's great to strengthen those muscles, but don't put being able to see them above other fitness goals. It might just not be the way your body is made to look.