Night Owl RN .... Healthy recipe ideas Please! :)

Working nights is killing me!! I haven't worked out in two days.... so I'm throwing in the Zumab DVD for an hour at 8:30PM....

So, I need some healthy meals for working night shift.. I've been trying to make yummy salads with lots of color, fruits and veggies, but I'm craving carbs (i.e. crackers) which is unusal for me to begin with. Last night I tried Tuna with Pita chips and it seemed to hold me over for a bit.. Just wondering if any of you had some healhty eating carb friendly meals for this NIGHT OWL!! I can't wait to get back to dayshift in August. Switching from nights to days and vice versa is making my metabolism confused. I don't have a problem staying under 1350 calories when I'm awake during normal hours. I'm over by 50 or so today prior to working out.


  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    stir fries reheat easily enough. chunks of protein with some sauteéd or grilled veggies and a spice mixture on top. (i'm currently loving montréal steak)

    salads with deli meat on top.

    eat more protein with fats, should keep you full for longer.

    i'm not sure why eating at night is different!

    sandwiches on joseph lowcarb pitas/lavash bread?