Falling back into my old habits......need some help!

I'm no longer slipping down that slippery slope..............now I'm whizzing down like fat-greased lightening and need some help to get back on track. I just can't seem to get "there" mentally and its affecting me both on the scale and physcologically.

When I came here at 143 I lost every week until I hit goal of 125, dropped an additional 10 pounds and stayed at 115 from November 2011 till early June (within a couple pounds of it). Started the slow slide into old habits, took vacation, came home and just can't pull myself together. I'm up 4 pounds (to 119) and still can't stop myself from eating poorly. I hate the way it makes me feel physically, sick to stomach and just yucky. Then there's the way I beat myself and promise to do better tomorrow. Tomorrow comes and I don't do better. I've tried to analyze what's happening and I just can't figure it out.

There are a few things I've changed that might be contributing, I am un-doing those things effective this morning. One is that I had started to take 2 benadryl at night, for sleep and allergy problems. I've since read that it can increase your appetite, so I'm stopping that ASAP. Maybe that's contributing to my hunger and subsequent lack of control? Also, I've not been as good with drinking my water, sometimes I think I'm really thirsty not hungry. Gonna be drinking up again! I've been great with my exercise, no problems there.

Anyone else been through this and have any words of advice for me? I really need some advice and positive thoughts :)

FYI I am 49 y/o and 5'3" tall.



  • mpf1
    mpf1 Posts: 1,437 Member
    oh I needed this today-- I will post more on your page!