GAIN yourself!

Keys to success = G A I N

G = Goals
When it comes to success set yourself small, achievable goals. Start with a 15 minute walk, then shoot for 17minutes the next week, and so on. Instead of eating a whole cookie, just have one bite to kill the craving. Not a bite that’s ½ the cookie… a SMALL bite. The sheer joy of accomplishing small goals keeps you motivated.

A = Activity
Pretty obvious perhaps, but absolutely critical. We are in a moderately stressful, sedentary environment with work that does significant damage to long term health. Take a break and walk down the stairs after a bad phone call INSTEAD of getting the bag of chips. Take the kids/dog/S.O. to the
park after work for a game of chase. Play games – even Wii Fit/ Wii sports… just GET MOVING!

I = Information
Everyone’s body is different, but if you can learn what your eating habits are and how to improve that’s the biggest favor you can do for yourself. If you have the option for a resting metabolic assessment to learn the bare minimum calorie value you need I highly recommend it.

N = Nutrition
While losing weight is great, you still have to feed your body right so you can continue to function. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is key to getting the right nutritional balance to keep your metabolism up. Food can still be fun while changing your lifestyle, like health potlucks, or “eat the rainbow” challenges for kids.

My .02 Lbs.