Ladies: about your time of the month (sorry, tmi!)



  • munny_p
    munny_p Posts: 73 Member
    Mine should be starting this week and I have been using MFP for 2 weeks now...I have only noticed the mood swings are more controllable and my cravings are minor compared to what they used to be- probably because I am getting enough food a day and it is of more substance.
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    I would def make an appt with an OB asap! Your diet may be lacking something that your body might be trying to compensate for ie, iron,calcium,vitamin D etc. My cycle was way off and lacking their of before I lost weight now thank GOD it is finally normal,Good luck!
  • MandaKayMakesIt
    Thanks everyone! I've made an appt. with my dr. for early next week, so hopefully I'll have a solution and something to share with you all then!
  • CindyM0605
    CindyM0605 Posts: 18
    When I first started being serious about my weight loss, there were drastic changes in my cycle too. Then again, I'm in pre-menopause so who knows! LOL

    But it wouldn't hurt to check it out anyway. :D
  • jyuubi
    jyuubi Posts: 109
    I've heard exercise and diet change can affect your cycle, but when I say affect it, I mean stopping it. I've never heard of anyone having more than the usual periods because of diet and exercise. Of course, I'm not a doctor. I would definitely go to your doctor to find out what's up.
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    Most definitely see a doctor. That is not normal.
  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    It hasnt affected mine at all... sorry no help here..

    lol...give it time bikermike...give it time :laugh:
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i know that stress, weight loss and gain can kind of make things screwy. if you are able to, go to the gyno and get checked out to make sure everything is okay. my cycle had gotten hella ****ed up when i was 19 and i eventually stopped getting my period b/c i did not have enough bf and was under weight. better to be safe than sorry and make sure everything is okay. i have not experienced this again but i have also been on bc almost 3 years so i think it is always the same for me regardless of my stress or weight changes.
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    I asked my gyno about this.

    I just wasn't getting my period. I am on a generic form of Yaz. She explained that my birth control works to suppress a certain type of hormone. When you lose weight, it changes the amount of estrogen in your blood by decreasing it. Because my birth control works with estrogen, a lack of estrogen can stop my period all together.

    I know that isn't your specific problem, but I think the bit about the amount of estrogen in your body changing affecting your period is pertinent.

    It might be worth a simple call to your doctor's office to clear up any confusion. The nurse will be able to tell you if it is normal, or if you should see the doctor. I made sure to have my mobile app handy, in case she wanted to know what I had been eating.
  • onyxcougar
    onyxcougar Posts: 22
    (warning, probably TMI)

    I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, and was having periods maybe once or twice a year. It was great, but my endocrinologist said I need to have one every 3 months and put me on Provera for a week to force my body to cycle. I have a super high level of Estrogen, to the point that my Progesterone (which is what triggers the period) isn't enough to make me cycle.

    Well, my endo says that fat (which I have alot of) stores hormones (both Estrogen and Progesterone). I'm not losing alot of weight, but I **am** losing inches (down two dress sizes from 28 to 24 now) and as that fat is coming off, it's releasing those hormones into my system, so my periods are coming once a month (30 - 34 days) now with no medication. (Not liking that. Not one bit, no ma'am.)

    Since they are more frequent, the flood that used to occur once every 6 months is now a comparative trickle. I still flow for 8-10 days, but it's no where near the heaviness that it used to be. Also, cramping more now. More moody before hand now. And that 4 pounds I keep losing the other three weeks, goes right back on the week before I start. My chest and hip measurements go up .5 to 2 inches, as well, then back down when I'm done.

    I would see your gyno or endo, have them run some hormone tests, make sure everything is where it's supposed to be (and establish a baseline), then go back when you get your pap next year and have them run them again, to see what they are. That's the only way to really be sure what's happening with them.

    Meantime, Pamprin is your friend.
  • thewang
    thewang Posts: 71 Member
    You should follow up with your doctor. Also discuss your diet and exercise regimine to make sure you are losing weight in a healthy way.
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    I agree with what everybody else is saying. Also talk to them about natural supplements. I know a lot of people who have had hormonal issues that were able to use diet, exercise and supplements to help. Good luck.
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    *Talk to your doctor about it that is! :)
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    I remember my doctor telling me way back when that hormones are stored in the fat. So when you start really losing weight, sometimes you can throw your system out of whack because of all the formerly stored hormones now rampaging thru you.

    I have no idea if that is actually true or not... this was a long time back that she told me this but I am inclined to think there may be some truth in the matter.
  • MandaKayMakesIt
    I just posted about the crazy, upside down week I've been having...venting all my frustration, talking about my dr. appt, etc.